Stroller Rage!

I recently read an article about stroller habits that piss off the entire world.  I had to giggle because I am guilty of most of them!  Of course I have to throw my two cents worth in and explain the stroller issues.

1.  Not closing the stroller in a crowded restaurant-  Ok, for starters, crowded restaurants are a pain in the ass for everyone.  And depending on how many babies are in there… a high chair may not be available.  Now some may say that if one isn’t available I should go somewhere else.  I say, “If you don’t like it, you can leave.”  We usually try to stay away from crowded places but it’s not always easy.  We also try to eat outside to avoid the crowd inside.

2.  Hitting people in the back of their ankles-  I’ve only ran my hubby over so far with the stroller, but accidents happen people!  You don’t get all bent out of shape bumping shoulders on a crowded street.  Why get all crazy about this?

3.  Blocking the view at the zoo-  Teach your children patience!  Oh, and find some for yourself as well.  We all have to wait our turn at the zoo sometimes.  This one is just crazy to me…so petty.  Parents these days need to work on their parenting skills.  My children have to learn to wait their turn, why not yours???

4.  Refusing to fold the stroller on a crowded bus-  I’ve never taken the bus so I cannot relate to this one.  I don’t even see how someone could get on a bus with a stroller unfolded.

5.  Using the stroller as a walker-  Oh yea!  I’ve leaned on the stroller quite a few times!  Does it really bother you that I lean on the stroller?  How does it affect your day?  Seriously?  And have you gone days and days without sleep because your 5mth old has his/her days and nights mixed up?  Didn’t think so….so shut up.

6.  Knocking over store displays-  I haven’t had this accident but not saying I won’t.  Some stores are so cramped and have no organization.  I’ve been in some stores that made maneuvering a stroller about as hard as playing Operation!

7.  Taking up the entire sidewalk-  Really?  Go around or go play in traffic!  Geez!  How petty can people get?  We don’t control the width of the sidewalks.  Talk to your city council about that one.  Does this really piss you off or are you just trying to get smashed in the ankles?

8.  Using the stroller as a glorified shopping cart-  I admit that when I go to places like a swap meet or flea market, I use a huge ring thing that clips on the stroller handle that holds the bags.  But why does that piss anyone off?

Well, there you have it.  Just a few things that some people get irritated about for no particular reason.


We’ve all been there.

We’ve all craved something that we didn’t have and been envious of those who have it.  We’ve all gone through that awkward teenage stage growing up and hated someone for having that special someone or wanted the person they had.  Anyone that claims to have never experienced jealousy is a damn liar.  It’s an emotion we have all dealt with before.

The problem is…some people never grew out of that phase.  And I’m typing this from a woman’s point of view, well, because I am a woman.  I know it’s different for men and they have different situations that bring on envy.  Some women just never got it through their heads that jealousy only takes you down a dark, ugly path.  It shows your lack of self-confidence.

Your self-esteem, I know, is a hard thing to gain and so very easy to lose.  But it’s worth fighting for.  Trust me.

I’ve know a woman who despised another woman due to the size of her home and her possessions.  I’ve seen a woman drop a friend who lost weight and began dressing with confidence.  I’ve known women who still pine for their ex boyfriends a decade later and attempt to cause problems.  Hell, I met a woman a couple months ago who refused to talk to a fellow Army wife just because their husbands were different ranks.  Seriously???

My two cents to you ladies…Quit being so damn miserable.  You bring others down with you.  If you like nice things, work hard and get them yourself.  It will mean more if you do it all yourself.  If you aren’t happy with your size, change it.  No one said it was easy, but at least try.  Eat right, eat less, exercise more and wait for the results.  If you still can’t let go of a past flame, get help.  NO need to make yourself miserable or wreck other relationships.  And rank, don’t get me started on that one.  As a wife, you have NO RANK.  Stop being so judgmental.

Bottom line…Life is what you make it.  Make yours beautiful.  Make it happy.  Make it great.  Make it YOURS!  Stop comparing your life to everyone around you.

I don’t fall like I used to!

So, I took a lovely trip down the stairs the other day.  And by “the stairs”, I mean ALL OF THEM!  I seriously don’t fall like I used to.  I’m serious.  I think I hit harder now or something.  Either that or the ground got a hell of a lot tougher!

Anyway, the morning began with my hubby reading a book to our little 5 month old bundle of cuteness while I walked our 11-year-old to the bus stop.  Huge age difference, I know!  So, I get back home and he tells me that she fell asleep in her swing holding the book.  He wants me to go look at her.  I think he was more proud that he got her to take her morning nap!  Haha!

I head up the stairs and cast a glance back at our new puppy.  Yea, we got a new addition to the family.  I’m still not sure what the hell I was thinking when I agreed to this!  Anyway, I make my way up to see sleeping beauty and yep, she’s just adorable.  She’s still holding her little Halloween picture book.  As I turn around, my hubby is headed into the shower.  Now, at this point the puppy decides to start yapping.  Oh my gosh he can make some noise.  I thought about going down to get him, but my little one wasn’t buckled in the swing.  My luck she would wake up in the 30 seconds I was gone and wiggle out onto the floor.  I chose to yell from the top of the stairs so maybe he would see me and come on up.  Nope.  He just looked confused as hell.  After a minute he settles down so I go back into the baby’s room.  Five minutes later he starts up again.  He is even louder this time.

What to do…I make the decision to run and go get him but fail to realize he’s made it almost to the top of the stairs!  I don’t see him until it’s too late.  I fell hard!  I know I hit my right knee but that’s right after I tried catching myself and damaging my boob.   As I fell, I reached for the banister and I guess I was at such an odd angle that my boob took a beating.  Damn, the pain was massive!  I began toppling down the stairs trying so hard to stop.  About midway down I decided “screw it…just ride it out!”  Needless to say I kept tumbling, picking up speed with each step I hit.  I landed in the guest bathroom a few inches from the toilet.  Yep, I was face to face with the throne!  I swear it felt like I was falling forever.

I stood up once I realized I was still alive.  I was already aching.  I immediately checked my boob in the mirror!  It seriously felt like it fell off or something.  Then pain radiated at the knee.  I have an awesome carpet burn in the shape of a “L”…I’m assuming it stands for Loser!  After the knee pain is in check I realize my thumb is throbbing.  I’m not sure if it hit the banister, the stairs or if my body crushed it, but the pain was horrible.  I quickly began checking myself out.  I checked my joints and hips…Let’s face it, we don’t fall like we did as kids!  I could’ve broke a hip on all those stairs!  I was bending, squatting, flexing, etc. trying to make sure everything was working properly.

When I decided it was safe to walk I slowly made my way back up the stairs.  I laid on my bed and waited for some of the pain to swindle away.  Maybe from now on I should do the butt-scoot down the stairs.  I’m too old to fall like that again.

Pregnancy surprises they forget to tell you about…

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience.  You will be growing a tiny little person inside your tummy.  You will feel him/her grow, kick, punch, hiccup and roll.  It is so amazing!

You will put up with nausea, low back pain, being tired all the time, constant peeing and lots of hunger!  BUT…there are few things people tend to leave out!  Allow me to enlighten you!

What mood swings???

What mood swings???

  • MOOD SWINGS – These aren’t just any normal mood swings either!  One minute you are fine and the next… BAM!  You are ready to beat someone’s ass or you are crying a river over socks that don’t match.  I haven’t had these but my husband swears I have!
  • STUFFY NOSE –  You could be stuffed up the WHOLE TIME!  This could lead to nose bleeds too.  I haven’t been able to breathe for months!
  • BLEEDING GUMS –  No matter how soft and tender you are while brushing and flossing, your gums will bleed like crazy.  No one wants to taste copper after brushing their teeth!  I have been as careful as possible and still deal with it daily.
  • NO MEMORY –  Pregnancy brain does exist!  You will forget why you walked into the living room, what you were going to the store for and everything else that should be a “no brainer”!
Huh?!?  LOL

Huh?!? LOL

  • BOOB AND/OR NIPPLE PAIN –  I have heard so many doctors and nurses use the word “sore” when referring to these two body parts.  They lie!  They hurt like hell!  The pain is horrible and makes you wanna live in a bra.  Taking off the bra no longer means freedom!
  • EVERYTHING SMELLS BAD –  A lot of my favorite snacks stink.  Most normal scents smell like 90 day old funk!
  • CONSTIPATION –  I’ve never really had an issue with constipation until now.  It is a horrible feeling when you gotta “go” and can’t!  Hubby gave me Colace because it is supposed to make it easier “to go”.  What a crock!  “Easier to go” really means an entire day of diarrhea!
  • ROUND LIGAMENT PAIN –  Now, they call it round ligament pain…it is actually intense cramps and stretching pains!  Imagine a rubber band being stretched to its limit and then slowly let back down to normal size.  When you sit up, roll over in bed, sneeze or cough you will feel this lovely symptom of getting bigger!
  • ACNE –  Acne, acne, acne…in the weirdest places!  I had a little acne growing up, mostly on the forehead area due to bangs or wearing a ball cap during softball season.  But this is ridiculous!  I have little surprises popping up on my chin all the time.  My chin…makes zero sense.  My chest area has been plagued as well.  I have never had that issue before.  No matter what you do, the acne will just creep up.
Ain't this the truth?!?

Ain’t this the truth?!?

  • BELLY TOUCHES –  This drives me up the damn wall!  People will want to touch and rub your tummy, even strangers.
  • DREAMS –  I dream crazy crap anyway, but during pregnancy they get way weird.  I’m sure a lot of you could share some doozies!  Purple elephants, swimming in jello, flying penguins and other crazy stuff tend to plague you from month 5 till the end!
  • PICKING A NAME –  Names put a lot of pressure on you.  You have to think about how his/her name will impact their life.  Will other kids pick on their name?  Is he/she going to go by their first name or middle name?  Is this a name you can see yourself screaming out the back door when it’s time for dinner?  And ultimately, will your child like this name?
  • UNCONTROLLABLE PEE –  Your poor bladder gets karate kicked and squished constantly.  You always seem to be running to the bathroom…well, not running…more like waddling with your legs crossed.  Don’t laugh to hard, cough or sneeze without being prepared!  A panty liner is a good idea after month 6 or 7!


  • BENDING –  Just thinking about this makes me giggle!  Shaving your legs is a riot!  I’m in my 8th month and bending down in that direction with a razor in my hand is dangerous!  Putting on socks and shoes gets a little rough too!
  • BABY KICKS GET ROUGH –  Those little feet and elbows really do a number on ya!  Those little toes really feel like boulders being dropped on my bladder and hooha.  Laying down causes the baby to put on an alien show.  I can lay down around the same time every evening and just watch little hands and feet go crazy.  She moves, kicks and turns around nonstop.  And the bigger they get, the less room they have in there.  It gets a little painful.
  • DROPPING THINGS –  In the 3rd trimester you don’t get around so good.  You will have a hard time seeing your toes and taking the stairs becomes an obstacle course.  Dropping stuff will become something you want to walk away from.  I’ve dropped utensils in the kitchen and said “to hell with it!”  Hell, if I am lucky enough to get down there, I probably won’t be able to get back up!
  • PELVIC PAIN –  This is the worst one I’ve dealt with.  It feels like I’ve done a split everyday!  Getting out of bed in the morning is so damn painful!  Be prepared to use a body pillow at night.  Fold it in half and put it between your knees and thighs while you sleep.  It really helps with the pelvic pain.



Fred Phelps kicked the bucket!

Fred Phelps


aka: The Most Hated (and laughed at) Man In America


This is what a lifetime of anger and hate will do to a man!


Phelps was born on November 13, 1929 and finally bit the big one on March 19, 2014 at the age of 84.  He was the pastor, although rumors circulate he no longer was, of the Westboro Baptist Church.  The church opened its doors on November 27, 1955 and uses the website as its internet outlet of stupidity.  In 2007 a documentary came out called Fall From Grace that tells all about Phelps and his family of idiots.  He was married to Margie Marie Simms, an absolute horrendous woman.  Together they had 13 children, 54 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.  4 of the 13 kids have left the church and family.


Phelps was best known for his damn ignorance and anger.  Some prime examples include  his anti-gay activism and picketing the funerals of gays and soldiers.  This “hate group” he lead is known as the Westboro Baptist Church.  Their slogan is “God hates fags.” and they stand and stomp on the American flag.  They have picketed military and gay funerals, gay pride gatherings and parades, political gatherings, Christian concerts of those who didn’t agree with his views and opinions and a few other things that make people wanna beat his ass.

His home and family life tends to have a haze around it.  Mixed accounts of how he was as a father, husband and pastor have surfaced in the past.  As far as I know, two of the four children that left have spoken out about him.  I believe their names are Nate and Dortha.  They have each talked about the loveless environment they had growing up, being scared all the time and dealing with Phelps’ anger and abuse.  It is said that Phelps used a barber strap on his children and would deliver 7-10 lashes to different parts of their bodies.  He would also hit them with a mattock handle.  The other members of the family praise him, claiming he was some sort of bringer of salvation.


Aside from hating soldiers and gays, Phelps believed that God only died for a few pre-selected people.  These people, he says, were chosen before their birth for salvation.  He also believed Sunday school meeting are wrong, bible colleges should be closed and Billy Graham is the worst false prophet.  This man cracks me up!  His train of thought is so crazy all I can do is shake my head.

The anti-gay bashing began in the late 1980’s.  Phelps claimed that a gay man tried to lure a 5-year-old boy, his grandson, into the woods.  Phelps and his family started complaining about gays allowed in Gage Park.  When there was no action from the local government and the family began getting negativity aimed at them, he and his pack of idiots began picketing all the time.  They put up signs in the park and warned others of homosexual activity.

And this is how he and his family are raising their children!

And this is how he and his family are raising their children!

In 1997 Phelps wrote a letter to Saddam Hussein.  Phelps praised and congratulated Hussein for being “the only Muslim state that allows the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to be freely and openly preached on the streets.”  He wanted to send a group of his turds to Baghdad for a week to preach.  Saddam granted permission…imagine that!  The group bashed the United States for that whole week and picketed with signs condemning the Clinton family and anal sex.

Due to being assholes and picketing the funerals of America’s fallen heroes, President George W. Bush signed the Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act in 2006.  The act stops protests within 300 feet of national cemeteries from an hour before a funeral to an hour after it.  Anyone not abiding by this could get a year in prison and up to a $100,000.00 fine.


This group has been called “the most hated family in America.”  Hell, the KKK protested against them at military funerals.  This group has targeted several people for shitty reasons…one of the people was Fred Rogers.  Phelps picketed his funeral saying that Rogers never warned young viewers that sodomy is a sin.

I personally think Phelps was a piece of shit.  Without going into the subject of religion, (which will have me going for hours!) he taught nothing but hate and anger.  His entire family wake up each and every day mad as hell.  They all stay pissed off at everyone and every thing.  They pray for the deaths of so many people.  I hate that the other citizens of Topeka, Kansas have to put up with this group of dumbasses.  I’m glad to see people standing up to this family and I have loved reading stories of bikers standing in line to block these idiots at funerals.




This shit cracked me up!

This shit cracked me up!

Bottom line:  I could care less about Phelps and his family.  They are shit.


Some people…

Some people…


You know these people.  They are the ones that make you consider an orange jumpsuit!  They are so damn dumb and/or aggravating that a throat punch is all you can think about giving them.  Here are a few personal experiences I’ve had with these special individuals…

Mr. Ass

There is a teacher at my daughter’s school that drives all the parents crazy.  He has got to be the meanest, pickiest, most aggravating man I’ve met in a very long time.  In the afternoons he stands outside the school…no one knows why.  He just kinda stands around like a hall monitor staring at us.  Two weeks ago, a mom was there picking up her son in a rush.  She was extremely ill and headed to the hospital.  She parked her truck out-of-the-way, away from all cars and traffic, so she could grab her son and leave as quick as possible.  We all let her get up front to get him…he was standing just inside the door looking at her.  Mr. Ass begins yelling at her that she has to move her truck.  He is telling her that she can’t park there, she needs to move it, he doesn’t like it there, etc.  She tried so hard to tell him that she is sick and headed to the hospital.  She explains that her son is two feet from her and she just needs to get him and go.  This douche bag refuses to act like a human being.  He continues to yell at her, in front of everyone, and makes her move her truck before getting her kid.  What an ass!!!

Last week I had to go into the school with my daughter one morning.  We exit the car and get to the front door of the school about 20 seconds before the bell.  As I go to open the door, Mr. Ass comes rushing towards the door, looking at his watch, telling me we can’t come in for another two minutes.  I immediately laugh at him and the bell rings within 5 seconds.  I open the door and tell him to get a new watch as I walk by shaking my head.

Those two occasions are bad enough, but dealing with this man every morning is just a riot!  The school lot is so tiny.  Cars come through in a single file line, cause that’s all the space there is anyway.  We can ONLY GO ONE WAY.  But every morning, on the curb at the front of the school, there stands this man!  UGH!!!  He waves the cars on with one hand and points with the other.  He movements are just like a crossing guard, which makes it funnier!  Sometimes he says, “This way folks!”  THERE’S NO OTHER WAY TO GO, DUMMY!!!  I just smile and wave…I try not to point as I smile!  I mean, damn!  The parents aren’t stupid.  We drive all the time.  There is only one way to go and we are all in a friggin’ single file line.  Waving and pointing just makes him looks like a re-re and a bigger ass.


Ms. Dummy Bank Teller

This woman tripped me out a couple of weeks ago.  Now, I don’t know all the policies and such but, surely this was a bit too much.  My husband and I received a check from our bank.  Let me make sure I was clear on that….WE RECEIVED A CHECK FROM OUR BANK.  The check even had the words on it that we are a customer of the damn bank.  My husband and I pull up and he puts the check, signed with the acct number and all, and his I.D. inside the thingy that zooms up the cool little tunnel thing.  The woman, aka Ms. Dummy, asks him if his wife is with him.  He says yes and now she wants my I.D. too.  This is kinda dumb to me since the main acct holder is my husband, but whatever.  We are waiting and waiting.  Oh hell!  I forgot to mention the amount of the stupid check!  Get ready for this….drum roll please!  $7.28 That’s right people…a whopping 7 bucks and some pocket change.  Hell, we were only cashing it to  add to our daughter’s chore chart at home!  Anyway, after we send my shit up the tunnel thingy, we wait a little longer.  By now I’m wondering if she knows how to count.  It’s usually just a $5, two $1’s, a quarter and three pennies.  But what do I know?!?  Finally I lean forward and peer at the window so I can try to see what the hell she is doing.  She looks up and asks if we have an account with the bank.  Are you freakin’ serious???  The damn check says we do, account number is on the back and you are holding our I.D.’s!  I begin giggling, which usually means I’m about to lose my shit!  My husband cracks a grin, giggles and says that we do.  I’m bitching out loud now and he is telling me to hush…doesn’t help that he is still giggling!  She sends our stuff back through the tube.  My husband hands everything to me and begins to pull off.  I’m still in shock that it took forever for that.  It’s a wonder she didn’t ask for a friggin’ blood sample!  I just stare at her as he leaves trying to imagine how she managed to dress herself and get to work that day.  Damn!


Rude Maternity Store Lady

This was definitely one of those times I almost throat punched someone!  I am pregnant and carrying very low.  All that pressure makes my back hurt and it kinda feels like I’ve accidentally done a split everyday.  It sucks!  With that said, my husband and I go to the maternity store to see if they have those belly band thingys.  We walk in and are immediately approached by this woman asking if she can help with anything.  I tell her what I’m looking for and she corrects the term I use.  I can’t remember now if it’s a belly belt or band…but I guess I said it wrong.  She corrects me with a little bit of bitchiness and a lip pucker that makes you wanna head butt the hell outta someone.  I take a deep breath and try to tell myself that she didn’t mean to sound that way.  She takes one off of the rack and out of the box.  She then proceeds to tell me that she yells at people when she’s putting these things on ’em.  My response….I look at my husband and say, “She yells at people.” with that “I don’t f*%!ing think so” look.  He, of course, giggles.  I think sometimes that’s all he can do with me…just giggle.  She refrained from yelling but was yanking on these straps and making me hold my arms out to the side.  When she gets it on, I instantly feels better.  I undo it and ask my husband if he remembered where all the straps go.  I wasn’t entirely sure since it was below the baby bump.  She interrupts and in the meanest tone says, “Well, I’m gonna make you put on yourself before you leave.  You are gonna do this by yourself.  (insert lip pucker thing)”  I smile as politely as possible and tell her that I’m not putting it on right now but I would like to go ahead and purchase it.  She gets all bent out of shape and goes behind the counter.  As she is ringing me up she asked about a maternity bra.  I tell her “no thank you” and that I am wearing a comfortable sports bra right now and that I will be purchasing a maternity bra soon.  She gets pissed off and goes on a mini rant about how I need to buy a maternity bra, my sports bra is no good, blah blah blah…  I calmly explain that I am not purchasing a bra today and that I just want to purchase the band thing.  She continues to rant so I had to raise my voice just a little and ask her to ring me up for JUST the band.  She continues with the lip pucker and I am fuming now.  I think I was holding my breath trying not to go across the counter.  The rudeness was too much.  She is obviously a very miserable lady who loves to make others miserable and if I didn’t need that damn band I would’ve shown my ass, embarrassed her really bad and walked out without purchasing it.  The good/bad new is…I have to go back.  Haha!  The belt hurts me when I sit down so I have to go back for a bigger size.  This should be fun!


Hank III…Risin’ Outlaw

Hank III


Hank III was born Shelton Hank Williams on December 12, 1972.  He plays the guitar, bass, drums, banjo and keyboard.  He also sings and can actually yodel.  His style alternates between country, punk and metal.  He has a solo career, a band named Assjack, drummer for Arson Anthem and was bassist for Pantera singer Phil Anselmo‘s band, Superjoint Ritual.

For the most part, Hank III keeps his personal life personal and he doesn’t get involved in politics.  His appearance bears an uncanny resemblance to his grandfather, Hank Williams Sr.  He is tall, lanky, has a  thin face and the exact facial characteristics as his granddaddy.


Hank III had to grow up with an absent father, Hank Williams Jr.  Hank Jr. took to drinkin’, drugs, and womanizing.  This left III dealing with parental divorce, moving a lot, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, and drug and alcohol abuse.  Living with his name hasn’t been easy either.  Battling alcohol, drugs and his name is a constant in his life.  Onstage, when he is brought a shot of whiskey, he takes it.  He says, “I’ll always pick it up and shoot it right down.  That will always get the biggest crowd response of the night.  Then I’ll hold up the empty glass and say, ‘Thank you for applauding my addiction!'”  Lots of people challenge his name and all he says is, “It’s right there on my birth certificate, I’m not a fake.”

Growing up, he found comfort in music.  He began listening to KISS and Ted Nugent but later developed a taste for bands like the Dead Kennedys and the Misfits.  As a teenager he was a drummer in the grunge bands Buzzkill, Bedwetter and Rift.  He hardly ever talked about his family.  “I cared about drumming and playing punk music.  I hated country music with a passion.  I hated any kind of music that was commercial.  That was the enemy.”


Hank III has always been seen in thrift-shop clothes consisting of t-shirts and blue jeans.  He’s never cared too much for outward appearances or money.  Instead, he chooses to let his music speak for him.  He’s NEVER seen a dime of the family fortune either.  “I ain’t never seen no money from anyone, but I ain’t asked for it either.”, he said.  His mom, Gwen Williams, was Hank Jr.’s second wife.  They split up when III was very young.  By age 11, he and his mom moved to Atlanta, Georgia.  After the move, he barely saw his father.  In an interview in 2000 he said, “I never saw him much.  I can see why.  He was drinkin’ and druggin’ and being with women-being Bocephus.  I got to go out on the road with him a couple of times, but after a while you could tell he didn’t want me around, that I was gettin’ in his way.”  Soon after Atlanta, they moved to North Carolina and by age 15 he was back in Nashville.  He graduated high school at age 19 and moved in with a family friend after his mom moved to California.

At age 20 he was sued by a girl who claimed he got her pregnant when he was 17.  He took a blood test and got a $24,000 judgement in court.  He wasn’t making much money, $25 per show, but he did the right thing by his child.  He knew he had to make more money though.  He teamed up with Jack McFadden to set off a career.  He paid the money the court ordered him to.  This was the moment, after changing his hair, clothes and playing country music, that he changed his opinion about country music.  Risin’ Outlaw, his debut album, sounds eerily identical to his grandfather.  Reviews were good and both rock and country music lovers liked it.


In 1999 his family and friends, including Hank Jr. and Waylon Jennings, came together for an intervention.  They persuaded him to enter a drug and alcohol rehab program.  Rehab wasn’t very successful.  He has said, “I finally just told Waylon and my dad, ‘Look, you have to give me time to max out.  I’m just doing the same thing you fuckers did.  I’m going to keep a limit on it a little bit.'”

Playing both rock and country truly makes him happy.  He is glad to do both and says, “The good thing is the rock crowds like hearing me play rock and country.  But the country crowds only want to hear country and that’s all.  I can’t help it that the rock crowds are more open-minded–and the girls are prettier.”  I found that funny as hell!


If you haven’t heard his music or much of it…you should!


Three Hanks: Men With Broken Hearts- the 3 generations of Williams men singing alongside one another

Risin’ Outlaw

Thrown out of the Bar and Straight to Hell- Curb Records wouldn’t release Thrown out of the Bar and ended up in court.  A judge ruled in III’s favor.  They came to terms and it was reworked into Straight to Hell.

Damn Right Rebel Proud

Lovesick Broke & Driftin’

Assjack- a punk-metal album

Rebel Within- charted at #20 in Billboard Magazine

Curb Records released This Ain’t Country under the title Hillbilly Joker without the consent or imput from Hank III after his contract was terminated.  III told his fans, “Don’t buy it, but get it some other way and burn the hell out of it and give it to everyone.”

Ghost to a Ghost/Gutter Town- a 2 disc country record

3 Bar Ranch Cattle Callin’

Attention Deficit Domination

Curb also released Long Gone Daddy after he was gone.

Brothers of the 4×4

A Fiendish Threat


I recently had the chance to go see Hank III.  And let me tell ya, he sticks to what he says!  He does his own thing and rocks out.  He seems like such a down-to-Earth kinda guy who doesn’t take shit from anyone.  He doesn’t follow trends or bow down to the music industry.  Personally, I think this is the way we should all be…making our own path and holding our heads high.

Government Shutdown

Government shutdown…the damn government has shutdown.  What in the hell is wrong with these people?  It’s like a bunch of kids fighting over the same damn crayon!  And, from my understanding, the president refuses to work with them.  No talking, no negotiating, no working things out together…really?!?

There are a few things that have come to a halt since the shutdown that don’t make much sense to me…well, none of the shit closed down and stopped makes sense to me.  But there are a few that have rubbed me the wrong way.

Call centers, hotlines and regional offices that aid our Veterans in understanding and dealing with their benefits have closed.  Our Veterans fought and sacrificed for this country and some of those sacrifices would make the average citizen shit their pants.  Their compensation, pension and education has been brought to a halt as well, from what I hear.  Is this how our government should treat the ones who gave their all for this country???

National parks, memorials and museums have closed.  This is just another form of a man “pitchin’ a fit” and throwin’ a damn tantrum.  These closings do nothing to help the debt issues in this country, in my opinion.

Small business loans have been stopped.  Small businesses and business owners are already suffering due to this economy and the Obamacare crap and now they can’t do what they need to stay afloat???  Small business owners are being punished for no reason.  Say what you want, but these people help shape us and remain a solid backbone for our country.

Research for life-threatening diseases has stopped too.  Seriously???  Due to a group of people who can’t sit and talk things out like adults and one man who refuses to help, we have to put research like this on hold?  There are several researchers studying things like sexual arousal in anesthetized female rats (at Dartmouth college) and developing a video game that simulates a high school prom (half-million dollar grant for this one!)  Are you kidding me?  Where are the priorities???

Certain kinds of work have come to a halt that protect all of us…things like child public safety and the safety of hazardous waste facilities.  EPA hasn’t been doing any “non-essential” inspections of chemical places or drinking water systems.  Why does this country jump to help and give financial aid to other countries, yet refuses to take care of its own citizens?

Federal employees have been put on furlough that help fight terrorism, defend our borders, inspect our food and watch our skies.  What the hell?  I am so damn disappointed!  It is sad to have leaders and lawmakers acting like little spoiled brats!

The death benefits for military families have been cut off.  This includes the monetary benefits and basic housing allowance.  Four soldiers killed in Afghanistan last week are the first this happened to.  Let me repeat that one more time…FOUR SOLDIERS KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN LAST WEEK…defending this country, paying the ULTIMATE PRICE, leaving behind grieving families….And get this shit, their families can meet the plane at Dover Air Force Base but must pay their own way to get there!  Seriously?!?  Their names are…Sgt. Patrick C. Hawkins, 25; Pfc. Cody J. Patterson, 24; Sgt. Joseph M. Peters, 24; and First Lt. Jennifer M. Moreno, 25.  Read the article for yourself, if you want.

WIC has stopped issuing benefits.  That is almost 9 million moms, infants and toddlers suffering.  Formula and healthy food should be a major priority for new moms and their babies.  Yes, I am well aware that some people abuse this program and many other programs out there…but can we please think for one minute about the people this programs helps?  These are babies!  How many people have to suffer due to our “government” squabbling and not working together?

And it may not matter to most, but commissaries were closed as well.  I don’t know why people think the military make mega bucks, but let me tell ya something…they don’t.  Lots of families depend on the commissary for their family’s groceries.  Some families have only one car or have to car pool.  So, the commissaries shutting down did hurt a lot of families.  I would like to thank Sam’s Club for waiving membership fees for the military through this ridiculous shutdown.  Sam’s Club has really stepped up and extended a helping hand.

Well, there you have it.  I apologize for this being a little long, but I really think these could have been avoided.  We are hurting, as a nation.  We are turning a blind eye to what’s going on around us.  We are bowing down and accepting shitty treatment for no reason.  We can do better than this.

Letting go…

I talk to people.  I talk to people a lot!  I get to know them.  I love hearing life stories…the happy stuff, sad times, troubles, proud moments, joyful memories, etc.  I must admit though, I always hear stories about that one person that was just never happy with anything.  You know the one…he/she gets mad at nothing, blames everyone but themselves when shit goes wrong, never says positive things, etc.  We all know one!

They could be an aunt, uncle, mom, dad, sibling, so-called friend.  And I may not be the smartest or give the best advice, but here goes.  LET GO!  Stop trying to please someone who doesn’t care.  Stop being overly nice to someone who is constantly ugly to you.  Don’t beat yourself up when they say or act like everything is your fault.  Please understand that I’m not saying you should be mean and hateful.  Just stop wasting energy and getting stressed for something that isn’t your issue to fix.  It takes two people to make a relationship work.  Friends and family relationships take work, but you gotta work together.  If that person is not willing to do his/her part, let go.

I have personally dealt with a person like this.  I tried and tried and tried until I thought I would go crazy.  I talked, apologized, was so nice, gave space, took the silent treatment, dealt with the hateful words….and for what?  Life is a little too short to wade waist deep in crap.  Some people just need some time to come around.  They need to take a good look and realize you’re important too.  And you need to realize your life can’t revolve around just one person who doesn’t give 100%.  I know some of this comes off as me being cold and mean, but I promise I’m not.

Anyway, I hope this little bit helps and feel free to comment and vent!  Venting does a lot of good!  And feel free to disagree as well!  Haha…I know this has probably made a few people think I’m horrible.

Common Core…aka: total BS

 Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

Common Core is not a curriculum but a set of standards and federally funded tests that are backed by the federal government and President Obama.  It is sponsored by the National Governor’s Association (NGA) and the Counsil of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

States are relinquishing control of education to the federal government.  This takes education out of the hands of the States and the teachers.  Does anyone else see why this is a major problem???  The federal government is now telling each state, that adopted this “standard”, how to run their school.  States that wanted to apply for grant funds associated with the Barack Obama administration’s Race to the Top (RTTT) program were required to adopt the Common Core.  Does that sound right to you?  Basically, these standards are not that “optional”.  States were not even sure what they were adopting since the actual criteria for Common Core was not presented to them.  And the cost to change over to this is staggering.

The standards are supposed to be flexible, but they aren’t.  A child struggling with reading and/or math will have a very hard time keeping up.  Teachers are pressured to cover all the federal sanctioned lesson plans and some kids will get “left behind”.  Hmmmm….  We can’t blame the teachers either.  The lesson plans and curriculum has been taken out of their hands.

Education is supposed to be in the hands of the States, not the federal government.  Our teachers should be “teaching” our children, not being told that they have a time limit and that the kids should be teaching themselves.  Take a moment and look up CCSS.