Fred Phelps kicked the bucket!

Fred Phelps


aka: The Most Hated (and laughed at) Man In America


This is what a lifetime of anger and hate will do to a man!


Phelps was born on November 13, 1929 and finally bit the big one on March 19, 2014 at the age of 84.  He was the pastor, although rumors circulate he no longer was, of the Westboro Baptist Church.  The church opened its doors on November 27, 1955 and uses the website as its internet outlet of stupidity.  In 2007 a documentary came out called Fall From Grace that tells all about Phelps and his family of idiots.  He was married to Margie Marie Simms, an absolute horrendous woman.  Together they had 13 children, 54 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.  4 of the 13 kids have left the church and family.


Phelps was best known for his damn ignorance and anger.  Some prime examples include  his anti-gay activism and picketing the funerals of gays and soldiers.  This “hate group” he lead is known as the Westboro Baptist Church.  Their slogan is “God hates fags.” and they stand and stomp on the American flag.  They have picketed military and gay funerals, gay pride gatherings and parades, political gatherings, Christian concerts of those who didn’t agree with his views and opinions and a few other things that make people wanna beat his ass.

His home and family life tends to have a haze around it.  Mixed accounts of how he was as a father, husband and pastor have surfaced in the past.  As far as I know, two of the four children that left have spoken out about him.  I believe their names are Nate and Dortha.  They have each talked about the loveless environment they had growing up, being scared all the time and dealing with Phelps’ anger and abuse.  It is said that Phelps used a barber strap on his children and would deliver 7-10 lashes to different parts of their bodies.  He would also hit them with a mattock handle.  The other members of the family praise him, claiming he was some sort of bringer of salvation.


Aside from hating soldiers and gays, Phelps believed that God only died for a few pre-selected people.  These people, he says, were chosen before their birth for salvation.  He also believed Sunday school meeting are wrong, bible colleges should be closed and Billy Graham is the worst false prophet.  This man cracks me up!  His train of thought is so crazy all I can do is shake my head.

The anti-gay bashing began in the late 1980’s.  Phelps claimed that a gay man tried to lure a 5-year-old boy, his grandson, into the woods.  Phelps and his family started complaining about gays allowed in Gage Park.  When there was no action from the local government and the family began getting negativity aimed at them, he and his pack of idiots began picketing all the time.  They put up signs in the park and warned others of homosexual activity.

And this is how he and his family are raising their children!

And this is how he and his family are raising their children!

In 1997 Phelps wrote a letter to Saddam Hussein.  Phelps praised and congratulated Hussein for being “the only Muslim state that allows the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to be freely and openly preached on the streets.”  He wanted to send a group of his turds to Baghdad for a week to preach.  Saddam granted permission…imagine that!  The group bashed the United States for that whole week and picketed with signs condemning the Clinton family and anal sex.

Due to being assholes and picketing the funerals of America’s fallen heroes, President George W. Bush signed the Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act in 2006.  The act stops protests within 300 feet of national cemeteries from an hour before a funeral to an hour after it.  Anyone not abiding by this could get a year in prison and up to a $100,000.00 fine.


This group has been called “the most hated family in America.”  Hell, the KKK protested against them at military funerals.  This group has targeted several people for shitty reasons…one of the people was Fred Rogers.  Phelps picketed his funeral saying that Rogers never warned young viewers that sodomy is a sin.

I personally think Phelps was a piece of shit.  Without going into the subject of religion, (which will have me going for hours!) he taught nothing but hate and anger.  His entire family wake up each and every day mad as hell.  They all stay pissed off at everyone and every thing.  They pray for the deaths of so many people.  I hate that the other citizens of Topeka, Kansas have to put up with this group of dumbasses.  I’m glad to see people standing up to this family and I have loved reading stories of bikers standing in line to block these idiots at funerals.




This shit cracked me up!

This shit cracked me up!

Bottom line:  I could care less about Phelps and his family.  They are shit.


Hank III…Risin’ Outlaw

Hank III


Hank III was born Shelton Hank Williams on December 12, 1972.  He plays the guitar, bass, drums, banjo and keyboard.  He also sings and can actually yodel.  His style alternates between country, punk and metal.  He has a solo career, a band named Assjack, drummer for Arson Anthem and was bassist for Pantera singer Phil Anselmo‘s band, Superjoint Ritual.

For the most part, Hank III keeps his personal life personal and he doesn’t get involved in politics.  His appearance bears an uncanny resemblance to his grandfather, Hank Williams Sr.  He is tall, lanky, has a  thin face and the exact facial characteristics as his granddaddy.


Hank III had to grow up with an absent father, Hank Williams Jr.  Hank Jr. took to drinkin’, drugs, and womanizing.  This left III dealing with parental divorce, moving a lot, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, and drug and alcohol abuse.  Living with his name hasn’t been easy either.  Battling alcohol, drugs and his name is a constant in his life.  Onstage, when he is brought a shot of whiskey, he takes it.  He says, “I’ll always pick it up and shoot it right down.  That will always get the biggest crowd response of the night.  Then I’ll hold up the empty glass and say, ‘Thank you for applauding my addiction!'”  Lots of people challenge his name and all he says is, “It’s right there on my birth certificate, I’m not a fake.”

Growing up, he found comfort in music.  He began listening to KISS and Ted Nugent but later developed a taste for bands like the Dead Kennedys and the Misfits.  As a teenager he was a drummer in the grunge bands Buzzkill, Bedwetter and Rift.  He hardly ever talked about his family.  “I cared about drumming and playing punk music.  I hated country music with a passion.  I hated any kind of music that was commercial.  That was the enemy.”


Hank III has always been seen in thrift-shop clothes consisting of t-shirts and blue jeans.  He’s never cared too much for outward appearances or money.  Instead, he chooses to let his music speak for him.  He’s NEVER seen a dime of the family fortune either.  “I ain’t never seen no money from anyone, but I ain’t asked for it either.”, he said.  His mom, Gwen Williams, was Hank Jr.’s second wife.  They split up when III was very young.  By age 11, he and his mom moved to Atlanta, Georgia.  After the move, he barely saw his father.  In an interview in 2000 he said, “I never saw him much.  I can see why.  He was drinkin’ and druggin’ and being with women-being Bocephus.  I got to go out on the road with him a couple of times, but after a while you could tell he didn’t want me around, that I was gettin’ in his way.”  Soon after Atlanta, they moved to North Carolina and by age 15 he was back in Nashville.  He graduated high school at age 19 and moved in with a family friend after his mom moved to California.

At age 20 he was sued by a girl who claimed he got her pregnant when he was 17.  He took a blood test and got a $24,000 judgement in court.  He wasn’t making much money, $25 per show, but he did the right thing by his child.  He knew he had to make more money though.  He teamed up with Jack McFadden to set off a career.  He paid the money the court ordered him to.  This was the moment, after changing his hair, clothes and playing country music, that he changed his opinion about country music.  Risin’ Outlaw, his debut album, sounds eerily identical to his grandfather.  Reviews were good and both rock and country music lovers liked it.


In 1999 his family and friends, including Hank Jr. and Waylon Jennings, came together for an intervention.  They persuaded him to enter a drug and alcohol rehab program.  Rehab wasn’t very successful.  He has said, “I finally just told Waylon and my dad, ‘Look, you have to give me time to max out.  I’m just doing the same thing you fuckers did.  I’m going to keep a limit on it a little bit.'”

Playing both rock and country truly makes him happy.  He is glad to do both and says, “The good thing is the rock crowds like hearing me play rock and country.  But the country crowds only want to hear country and that’s all.  I can’t help it that the rock crowds are more open-minded–and the girls are prettier.”  I found that funny as hell!


If you haven’t heard his music or much of it…you should!


Three Hanks: Men With Broken Hearts- the 3 generations of Williams men singing alongside one another

Risin’ Outlaw

Thrown out of the Bar and Straight to Hell- Curb Records wouldn’t release Thrown out of the Bar and ended up in court.  A judge ruled in III’s favor.  They came to terms and it was reworked into Straight to Hell.

Damn Right Rebel Proud

Lovesick Broke & Driftin’

Assjack- a punk-metal album

Rebel Within- charted at #20 in Billboard Magazine

Curb Records released This Ain’t Country under the title Hillbilly Joker without the consent or imput from Hank III after his contract was terminated.  III told his fans, “Don’t buy it, but get it some other way and burn the hell out of it and give it to everyone.”

Ghost to a Ghost/Gutter Town- a 2 disc country record

3 Bar Ranch Cattle Callin’

Attention Deficit Domination

Curb also released Long Gone Daddy after he was gone.

Brothers of the 4×4

A Fiendish Threat


I recently had the chance to go see Hank III.  And let me tell ya, he sticks to what he says!  He does his own thing and rocks out.  He seems like such a down-to-Earth kinda guy who doesn’t take shit from anyone.  He doesn’t follow trends or bow down to the music industry.  Personally, I think this is the way we should all be…making our own path and holding our heads high.

John Wayne Death Conspiracy

I never knew there was a conspiracy surrounding the death of The Duke!  Last week I was watching some show about events in history that caused serious doubt.  There was a show about the Bermuda Triangle and one about TWA Flight 800.  But the one concerning John Wayne caught my eye because I never knew there was doubt about his death.

The conspiracy is that the government was actually responsible for his death due to nuclear contamination at the movie site, The Conqueror.  In 1953, the government detonated 11 atomic bombs in southern Nevada.  One year later, John Wayne spent six weeks making The Conqueror near there with Susan Hayward.

Now, before I go any further…The Duke was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1964.  He drank and smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day, so I don’t think this was a shocker.  The doctors removed his left lung and two ribs.  He then went on to star in over a dozen more films.  June 11, 1979 was the day he passed away due to stomach cancer…at the age of 72.  The conspiracy involves both cancers…

The film was shot in Snow Canyon near St. George, Utah.  The Nevada test site, where the atomic bombs were detonated, was fairly close to the film site.  Since 1951 more than 100 atomic bombs have been blown up here.  Now, in 1953, people began to get real concerned.  They were told that the testing was harmless, but many of the sheep in the area fell ill and died under unusual circumstances.  Many people in St. George have since succumbed to cancer and all the film’s stars, except Pedro Armanderez, died of cancer as well.  I believe Armanderez committed suicide.

91 of the 220 cast and crew members from the movie, The Conqueror, developed cancer.  Kinda strange huh?!?

Anyway, there were tests to check radiation levels of the soil at the movie site and Susan Hayward’s dress.  The soil showed no dangerous levels and the dress showed the same.  Now, I don’t know much about radiation levels 50-60 years later, but I’m pretty sure the levels now aren’t anywhere near what they were.  The soil that was tested was from the top to about 1-2 inches down.  I would think they needed to dig and test deeper, but I’m no scientist.  I’m not saying the radiation was the purpose of The Duke’s cancer, or the other’s cancers, but 91 out of 220 is a mighty high percentage.


Bonnie and Clyde…the envied couple

OK, before you jump to conclusions over the “envied” part, drop the disgusted look and pick your jaw up off the floor.  Let me explain my point of view on this.

Bonnie and Clyde went on their crime spree during the Great Depression.  The country’s attitude, at the time, was pretty much against the government.  This headlining couple wasn’t stealing huge amounts of money and they seemed to be having a blast being on the run.  Instead of looking like mass murderers, they were more like the “Robin Hood” of the nation.

They defied the law and lived dangerously.  They did commit some pretty heinous crimes, such as murder, and I’m not excusing those. But the fantasy of life on the road, running from the law, and living life on the edge captured the hearts of many.  This couple even had fun kidnapping cops!  Kidnapping the cops, riding them around for hours, and releasing them hundreds of miles down the road unharmed…tell me you’re not smiling!  I’m not saying doing that is right…but we are talking fantasy here!  Every young adult dreams of doing crazy stuff.  We have all been there, at one time or another.  Wanting to live life dangerously and doing the unexpected and Bonnie and Clyde did those things.


I think Clyde felt he didn’t have much of a choice.  Clyde’s family was pretty poor and usually didn’t have enough money to feed Clyde and his brothers and sisters.  Clyde resorted to stealing to help feed the family and pretty soon he graduated to stealing cars.  He basically grew up depending on his theft skills.  Learned behavior is not something easily changed.

Bonnie felt her life was way less than fascinating.  She was bored and tired of her marriage, especially with her husband behind bars.  Working as a waitress and then ending up with no job during the Great Depression caused major stress.  She was looking for fun, adventure, and a little rebellion.  Meeting Clyde gave her the possibility of breaking out and starting a new life.

Falling in love made their adventure even better though.  Imagine that feeling when you find love…the butterflies, the hunger, the excitement, the willingness to do anything to make your other half happy.  This dynamic duo took the world by surprise and never looked back.  I think we all, at some point in our lives, have wanted to defy the norm and do something outrageous.

Defying the norm….doing something outrageous…that’s what most people envy.

Ted Bundy

Theodore Robert Bundy


Bundy was actually born Theodore Robert Cowell on November 24, 1946.  His mom gave birth at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers in Vermont.  When released, Ted and his mom moved back to his grandparent’s home in Philadelphia.  Growing up, Ted was told his grandparents were his parents and his mother, Louise, was his sister.  An unwed mom would have faced very harsh criticism back then.  She and her parents felt this was the only option to save her name and reputation.

At age 4, he and his mom moved to Tacoma, Washington.  A year later, May of 1951, his mother married Johnnie Bundy.  Four more children were added to the family over the years.  Johnnie tried to bond with Ted, but Ted stayed away from him as much as possible.  Ted spent most of his time alone when he wasn’t babysitting his younger siblings.

In junior high Ted was a major target for bullies.  He was picked on relentlessly.  He looked and acted like the other kids, but he was an abyss on the inside.  He always felt detached from others.  Yet, through it all, he maintained excellent grades with a high grade point average.  High school was different though.  He was very well dressed and used good manners.  He became quite a popular teenager/young adult.  Instead of dating, like all the other guys, he focused on politics in his spare time.

During college he bounced from job to job.  He kept his focus on school work though.  In the spring of 1967 Bundy began a different life focus.  She was his dream come true.  He felt overwhelmed with luck due to the fact that she was “upper class” and came from a very wealthy family.  Bundy tried so hard to impress her, even winning a scholarship to attend Stanford.  He thought this would make her more interested in him…didn’t work.  In 1968, she broke up with him.  She felt he was too immature and lacked a career-oriented future.  Depressed over the break-up, his life fell apart.  He dropped out of school and tried desperately to keep in touch with her.  His depression hit an all time low in 1969.  It was at this time he learned the truth about his mother and grandparents.  Grasping the fact that his “sister” was actually his mother devastated him.  He began shoplifting and burglarizing homes.

No longer shy, Bundy became very dominant and confident.  That confidence was later changed to conceit.  He began studying psychology at the University of Washington.  At this point, he began a relationship with ‘Elizabeth Kendall’ that lasted five years.  She was a divorced woman with a daughter and fell madly in love with Ted.  She pushed for marriage but Bundy told her he wasn’t ready.

Bundy kept his focus on politics.  He worked on a campaign to re-elect a Washington governor and made strong connections within the Republican party.  He also volunteered at a crisis clinic.  The Seattle police even recognized him for saving a 3-year-old toddler from drowning in a lake.

On a trip to California in 1973, for the Washington Republican Party, he met up with his ex-girlfriend.  She was amazed at the change in his life.  He continued to see her, behind Elizabeth’s back.  Marriage was discussed but Bundy, after a few short months, completely lost interest in her.  He ended all contact with her in February of 1974.  His plan of revenge was now complete.

The terror began on January 31, 1974.  Lynda Ann Healy went out drinking with a few friends.  Not long after, Lynda went home to watch tv and call her boyfriend.  She went to bed and all seemed normal.  Her roommate heard no noises come from her room until the alarm went off the next morning.  Going in to wake Lynda, she saw no sign of her.  The radio station where Lynda worked called to ask where she was.  The roommate assumed she must have been on the way to her job.  However, Lynda’s parents were calling that afternoon to ask why she didn’t come to dinner.  Everyone began to worry.  Her parents called the police and her room was checked.  Something wasn’t right.  The bed was made, yet she rarely made her bed.  Her pillowcase and top sheet were missing.  A small bloodstain was on the pillow and on the fitted sheet.  Blood was also on her nightgown that was hanging neatly in the closet.  An outfit was missing and one of the doors to the house was unlocked.  Police did not take it seriously at first.  So, no fingerprints, hair, or fibers were collected.

During that spring and summer more women students disappeared.  The women shared common physical traits…white, thin, single, wearing slacks at the time of their disappearance.  Police began interviewing college students and found out that a suspicious man had been seen around campus wearing a cast on either his arm or leg.  He would appear to be struggling with books or having car problems.  This led police to keep an eye out for the now famous VW Bug and any man with a cast.  In August of 1974 the remains of some of the missing girls were found at Washington’s Lake Sammamish State Park.  Two were later identified.  All that was left of Denise Naslund and Janice Ott and others were strands of hair, some thigh bones, a couple of skulls, and a jaw bone.

A couple saw Ott the day she went missing, July 14.  During a picnic, they saw a young man approach her and introduced himself as Ted.  Ted told Ott he was having trouble loading his boat onto his car because of his arm cast.  She agreed to help.

Denise Naslund’s last day was spent with her boyfriend and friends at the park.  She left the group to go to the restroom.  A man who wore a cast approached a couple of women to ask for help with his boat.  Help was refused until Denise came along.  She agreed to help and was never seen again.  Melissa Smith disappeared on October 18, 1974.  She was the daughter of Police Chief Louise Smith, of Midvale, Utah.  She was found nine days later strangled, sodomized, and raped.  17-year-old Laura Aime went missing on Halloween, just thirteen days later.  She was found on Thanksgiving day in the Wasatch Mountains by the river.  She had been beaten on the head and face with a crowbar, raped and sodomized.

Washington and Utah began working together.  They believed the same man was responsible for the gruesome murders.  Eyewitness accounts allowed law enforcement to come up with a composite of “Ted”.

Elizabeth Kendall and her friend began to realize the truth about Bundy.  He resembled the composite, he had the described VW Bug, and had crutches even though he never had a leg injury.  She made calls to police and supplied recent photos but nothing ever came of it.  Police turned their attention towards other potential suspects.

Tables turned on November 8, 1974.  Carol DaRonch, 18, was approached by a man while she was in a bookstore in a Utah mall.  He told her that he had seen someone trying to break in her car and asked her to go with him to the parking lot to check and see if anything was stolen.  Carol assumed he was a mall security guard.  When they got to the car everything seemed fine.  The man said his name was Officer Roseland and asked her to come down to the station to identify the criminal and file a complaint.  He walked her to his VW Bug, which struck her as odd.  She asked for ID and he quickly flashed a gold badge before putting her in his car.  He drove off in the opposite direction and suddenly stopped a little ways down the road.  He tried to handcuff her and when she screamed he pulled a gun on her.  He threw her from the car and was about to hit her with a crowbar when she kicked him in the groin and ran down the road.  She managed to get a car to stop.  She immediately jumped in and told them what happened.  They took her to the police.  She gave her statement with a description of the car and gave them her coat with his blood on it.

Debby Kent was at a play at Viewmont High School with her parents.  She left early to pick up her brother, saying she would be back soon.  She never even made it to her car in the parking lot.  A small handcuff key was found on the ground.  It matched the set of cuffs worn by DaRonch.  A witness saw a tan VW Bug speed out of the parking lot that night.

On January 12, 1975 Caryn Campbell vanished during a trip to Colorado with her fiance and his two kids.  She left the lounge to get a magazine from their hotel room but never made it there.  Her nude body was found a month later just a few miles away.  Several fractures were visible on her head.

Police began searching the Taylor Mountains.  They found Brenda Ball, Susan Rancourt, and Lynda Ann Healy.  Five more women were found in Colorado under the same circumstances.

Just outside Salt Lake County, 8-16-75, Bundy’s bug was spotted.  He fled from the cop…speeding, turned off his headlights, went through two stop signs and finally pulled over at a gas station.  Two more officers joined the scene and asked to check the car.  They found a crowbar, ski mask, rope, handcuffs, wire, and an ice pick.  He was arrested on suspicion of burglary.  The crowbar, handcuffs, and composite sketch all made Bundy look very guilty.

On September 16, 1975 Elizabeth Kendall was called to the King County Police Major Crime Unit building in Washington State.  She couldn’t account for Bundy on the nights of the murders.  She stated that he would sleep during the day and go out at night.  When it came to sex, he was mainly interested in bondage.  He would become very upset if she didn’t participate.  She later told police he had gone water skiing to Lake Sammamish Park and that he would make casts in his room.  They also found out about his other life with his girlfriend in California.

Evidence was piling up quickly.  Lynda Ann Healy was linked to Bundy through a cousin of his.  A friend of Bundy’s told police he kept panty hose in the glove compartment of his car.  He spent time in the Taylor Mountains and gas receipts from his credit card showed he was in the towns of the missing girls.  Police set up a line-up on October 2, 1975.  DaRonch and three others all chose Bundy out of the seven-man line up.  A full investigation began immediately.

Feb 23, 1976- Bundy was put on trial for kidnapping DaRonch.  He was very confident that the evidence presented was not strong enough.  DaRonch took the stand, told her ordeal, and identified him as the attacker.  Bundy, of course, said he had never seen her before and couldn’t provide an alibi.  The judge reviewed the case and two days later found Bundy guilty.  Bundy was sentenced to 1-15 years in prison with the possibility of parole for aggravated kidnapping.

In Utah State Prison, psychologists came to the conclusion that Bundy was very dependent on women and feared being humiliated in relationships with them.  Investigators began trying to connect Bundy to the murders of Campbell and Smith.  Hairs were found that closely matched both women and Campbell’s skull injury matched the crowbar found in Bundy’s car.  Colorado filed charges against Bundy in October for Campbell’s murder.

In April of 77 Bundy was transferred to Garfield county Jail in Colorado for trial.  Bundy fired his lawyer and began to make his own defense.  By doing this, Bundy was granted permission to the courthouse library in Aspen.  He began planning his escape.

On June 7th Bundy jumped from an open library window at the courthouse.  He injured his ankle but managed to escape.  Roadblocks didn’t help because he stayed within the city limits.  Land searches, dogs, and searchers tried to locate Bundy.  He eluded them for days.  He was spotted in a stolen vehicle soon after.  Seven months later he escaped again.  He crawled into the ceiling of the jail and found an opening to the jailer’s apartment.  Waiting until it was empty, he jumped down and simply walked out of the front door.  More than 15 hours went by before the guards realized he was gone.  By mid January of 1978 Bundy had made it down to Tallahassee, Florida.  He began using the name Chris Hagen and got a one room apartment close to Florida State University.  He walked around campus and even attended classes unnoticed.  He started stealing constantly.

January 14th marked the Chi Omega House tragedy.  At 3am Nita Neary was dropped off by her boyfriend after a keg party.  She noticed the front door wide open.  She went in and was headed up the stairs when the sound of someone running caught her attention.  She immediately hid and watched a man with a blue cap pulled low over his eyes, holding a log with cloth around it, run down the stairs and out the door.  She thought he was a burglar so she ran up stairs to wake her roommate, Nancy.  The girls ran into another roommate, Karen, staggering down the hallway.  Karen’s entire head was covered with blood.  Another girl, Kathy, was found in her room barely alive.  Kathy’s head was also covered with blood and huge gashes.  Nancy called the police.  The police found two girls dead in their beds.  Lisa Levy was raped, strangled, and beaten to death in the head with a log.  She also had bite marks on her bottom and on one of her nipples.  She had also been sexually assaulted with a hair spray bottle.  Margaret Bowman was the other girl found dead.  She had similar injuries.  The pair of panty hose she was strangled with were found in the room.  Bundy had beat her in the head with the log so severely that her skull was split open and brain matter was exposed.  The girls had been attacked in their sleep and never had a chance.

Less than a mile away from the sorority house, Bundy attacked a woman named Cheryl.  Her neighbors heard banging noises and moaning.  They called the police and she was found sitting on her bed with a swollen face.  She was half nude and semi-conscious.  There was a mask at the foot of the bed that resembled the same mask found in Bundy’s car in August of ’75.  Police were unable to get a blood type, fingerprints, or sperm samples.  They did get hairs found in the mask and teeth impressions from the bite mark.

On February 9, 1978 the Lake City Police got a call from 12-year-old Kimberly Leach’s parents.  They were in a panic saying their daughter had disappeared.  Her friend, Priscilla, saw her get into the car of a stranger at school.  Kimberly’s body was found 8 weeks later in a state park in Suwannee County, Florida.  Just a few days before this incident, a man in a white van tried to pose as an off duty fireman to try to pick up a 14 year old girl.  The little girl knew he was a stranger and refused to get in his van.  Her brother showed up to get her and became outraged.  He followed the man in the van and wrote down the license plate to give his father, the Chief of Detectives for the Jacksonville PD.  Detective James Parmenter checked out the plate number.  It belonged to Randall Ragen.  Ragen had reported his plate stolen and already received new ones.  The detective took his kids to the station to show them mug shots.  Both kids identified Bundy.

Bundy had already set out towards Pensacola and stolen an orange VW bug.  Officer Lee was patrolling an area in West Pensacola when he saw the VW.  Not recognizing the vehicle from the area, he ran a check on it.  He found out it was reported stolen and flipped his lights.  Bundy began to flee but stopped and pretended to surrender.  He fought the officer and fled on foot.  Officer Lee fired his gun and Bundy hit the ground pretending to be shot.  He began to fight the cop once again, but Lee won and handcuffed Bundy.  Bundy was finally caught.

The investigation began.  Leach’s blood type was on the van’s carpet and Bundy’s semen and blood were on her underwear.  Bundy’s shoe prints were at the scene where her body was found.  Bundy was charged with the murders of Kimberly Leach and the Chi Omega girls.  Bundy was now facing the death penalty.

When the Chi Omega trial began, Bundy acted as his own defense attorney.  Two events during the trial sealed his fate.  Nita Neary’s testimony and identification of Bundy was the first.  The second was the testimony from the odontologist, Dr. Souviron.  The doctor showed large photographs of the bite mark and Bundy’s teeth.  He showed the uniqueness of both.  There was no question that Bundy’s teeth matched the bite marks.

Seven hours into deliberation, the jury returned with a verdict.  Each juror said “GUILTY” while Bundy stood showing no emotion at all.  The next week the state of Florida held his sentencing trial.  Bundy’s mom pleaded for his life.  He stood and professed his innocence.  He blamed the media for his misrepresentation.  Bundy was now facing the chair!

At the Kimberly Leach trial Bundy decided not to represent himself this time.  He and his attorneys decided to plea not guilty by reason of insanity.  This jury was made up of seven women and five men.  He couldn’t keep his composure during this trial.  He even stood up and yelled at a witness that he disagreed with.  By now, Bundy’s confidence was spiraling downward.  65 witnesses were presented to connect him with Leach on the day she went missing.  Fibers from Leach’s clothes were found in the van and on his clothes.  One month after the trial started, the jury was ready to deliberate.  Less than seven hours later they came back with a guilty verdict.  During the penalty phase of the trial, Bundy shocked everyone.  He was interviewing defense witness Carole Ann Boone when all of a sudden the two began exchanging vows.  Florida law states that the verbal promise made under oath is enough to seal the deal and they both were considered officially married.  Not long after, Bundy was sentenced to die in the electric chair for the third time in less than a year.  His honeymoon was spent alone on Death Row.


From 1982-1989 all his appeals were denied.  He finally decided to confess to more crimes.  He sat down with Dr. Bob Keppel.  Bundy kept some of his victim’s heads at home.  He also engaged in necrophilia.  It was estimated that at least 100 women fell prey to Bundy.

January 24, 1989- 7am- execution!

The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group…conspiracy or reality???  Tons of evidence does prove that this group exists.  Some believe that this elite group decides the fate of our nation and some believe they are just a bunch of rich folks that get together once a year to socialize.  I have taken the time to do research just to see who they are and what their agenda is.  Forgive me if I jump around a little!  My notes are kinda all over the place and there is a ton of information!

The Bilderberg Group first met 29 May 1953.  The meetings are closed to the public and are by invitation-only.  Guests number between 120-140.  These are very powerful people from North America and Europe.  Some of its members are in government and politics and some are from finance, industry, education, communications and military leaders.

Their first meeting, held in ’53, was at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland.  This international conference held leaders from European countries and the United States to promote Atlanticism-better understanding between the cultures of the U.S. and Western Europe to encourage cooperation on political, economic, and defense issues.  There were two attendees from each nation, one of each to represent conservative and liberal points of view.  There were 50 delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe and 11 Americans at this first meeting.  Due to the outcome, arrangements were made to hold this meeting annually.  Conferences were held in France, Germany, and Denmark over the next three years.  In 1957, the first U.S. conference was held on St. Simons Island in Georgia.  The Ford Foundation funded $30,000 and continued funding for the 1959 and 1963 conferences.

Here are some of the elite attendees…taken from the “Obama Deception”  film that I’ll go more into later.

~Secretary of Treasury- Timothy Geithner

~Secretary of State- Hillary Clinton

~Ambassador to the United Nations- Susan Rice

~National Security Advisor- Gen. James L. Jones

~Deputy National Security Advisor- Thomas Donilon

~State Department Special Envoy- Henry Kissinger

~Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee- Paul Volcker

~Director of National Security- Admiral Dennis C. Blair

~Secretary of Defense- Robert Gates

~Deputy Secretary of State- James Steinberg

~State Department Special Envoy- Richard M. Haass

~Presidential Advisor- Alan Greenspan

~State Department Special Envoy- Richard C. Holbrooke

~Board members from huge corporations

~World Bank President- Robert Zoellick

~Chairman of the Federal Reserve- Ben Bernanke……..and several others that hold power in the palm of their hand.

The power of the Bilderberg Group is staggering.  For instance, George H. W. Bush attended in 1985 and won the presidential election in ’88.  Bill Clinton attended in 1991 and was elected a year later.  Tony Blair attended in 1993 and became the Prime Minister in ’97.  Romano Prodi attended in 1999 and became president of European Union Commission that same year.  Senator John Edwards attended in ’04 and spoke to the group.  He was later anointed Democratic vice president nominee by John Kerry.  Four years ago, same as this year, the meeting was held in Chantilly, Virginia.  Rumor has it that the group decided Obama would be the Dem. presidential candidate and not Hillary Clinton.  Two days later she bowed out of the race.

It seems that the proposed result of this group and their meetings is some sort of world domination (New World Order or One World Order).  Bilderberg is like the top of the pyramid and other powerful people and secret groups fill up the body of it.  We’ve already heard in the past about some of the things that this group has come up with to create this New World Order.  Forced national service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, martial law, destruction of the Second Amendment, concentration camps (aka: residential centers), and several other dark changes.  There is also talk of the group creating a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on Earth.  The international bankers are working together to create a worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt all nations to allow this World Government to officially settle in.  Most people believe that the president is working with them to sell and/or force this idea to the people, making everyone believe that this will be the only option to balance the economy.  These secret meetings and “shadow rulers” seem to be shaping and ruling our world!

The following information came from the “Obama Deception” film…and once again, please excuse me if I jump around or repeat anything from above!  I took some notes during the movie, so any information is in the order it which it was presented.  Here is the link to the movie

The film points out the speech given by George H W Bush, in Sept 1990, where he mentions the New World Order and the so-called importance of it.  Obama’s council is brought up, saying that it mainly consists of Walstreet biggies…aka: his Walstreet Administration.  Kennedy was expected to be a puppet as well, but that didn’t happen.  He began to realize that certain things didn’t make sense.  He signed the Executive Order #11110, I believe, abolishing private Federal Reserve.  The Federal Reserve, by the way, is not even federal.  It is a private organization that is pretty much in control of the economy and is responsible for regulating money and our economic collapse.  The film points out that the Federal Reserve has created our economic crisis to make people think a New World Order is the only solution to getting our nation back on track.  Daniel Estulin is an investigative journalist that has stayed on the heels of the Bilderberg group for several years.  He claims to have two sources within the elite club.  They reported to him in 2006 that the group had discussed this “economic failure” plan.  The film adds a remarkable quote by Thomas Jefferson in a letter written to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin in 1802… “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.  If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.  The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, whom it properly belongs.”

The group always insist on a media blackout and have the hotel they are staying in shut down.  Most of the media seems intimidated and cautious to the point that they don’t even attempt to cover the meetings.  It’s real strange to see footage outside the gates of the hotel they are at and there is virtually zero media.  Angered citizens are there letting them know that their secret is out though!  They also have several security members in and around the place they are at.  In ’08 they had the Marriott in Virginia use the fire alarm to evacuate everyone from the building.  Several meetings took place over the weekend.  All the people invited do not attend all meetings.  They are allowed to attend only the meetings the committee feels they should.

The main agenda of the Bilderberg Group is scary.

1.  Get everyone on board for a “Bank of the World”

2. Create new taxes on meat, cars (mileage), carbon pollution, oil, plastic, energy, thousands of “green” products, all travel, medicines, electricity, etc.

3. Keep people thinking global warming is a true fact and that we caused it.

4. Put police state into full effect.  FEMA is building camps (check the bill HR 645) all across the country and call them “residential centers” to house citizens of this country by force.

5. DOD Directive Number 1404.10-Obama issued this that states that a one million person civilian army be placed under his control voluntarily or involuntarily.

6. Gun control- disarming the American people.  Obama has introduced, I believe, more than 10 bills that would put an end to our 2nd Amendment…HR 1022~~check it out!

7. Regulation bans on the 1st Amendment- All speech on the television and radio to be monitored and restrictions put into place.

8.  Restriction of health care- treatments will be monitored as to ensure you get ONLY what the government deems appropriate.

9. Obama is pushing for more troops to be stationed overseas to encircle Russia, China, and Iran.  Bases are also to be set up in Africa.

10. Expand control over farmers and their farmland

11. Convince people that he (Obama) is totally in charge and that all the hard times will stop with him.

12. Re-electing Obama gives the elite group a few more years to get the police state in full-blown motion.  I will explain police state is just a second.

Please do your own research.  I want you to see this stuff for yourself.  Look up all these facts and check out the Bilderberg Group, the media, the police state issue, etc.!  Don’t just go along with the majority or the popular beliefs.  Be honest with yourself about the facts and the recent events within our nation.  For several years now things have drastically changed.  Stop the New World Order and reclaim our liberties.

~~Police State~~

Police State involves Homeland Security, possibility of martial law against all citizens, replacing the states with 10 giant prison sectors/districts, concentration camps called residential centers, and Fusion Centers.

1. Homeland Security has set up Fusion Centers all over the United States.  I believe there are over 72 right now.  These centers are supposed to gather data from FBI, CIA and law enforcement to help fight against terrorism.  Instead, these centers have targeted groups of people and began profiling people who don’t support a One World Government/New World Order.  Catherine Bleish is a government profiling victim.  She was declared a national threat for being a delegate for the state of Missouri as a supporter of Ron Paul in 2008.  She has been threatened and has been physically “man-handled” by government security (and yes, it is recorded on tape).  Following her support of Ron Paul she was placed on the national “watch-list”.  Political groups are heavily targeted.  No one is in charge of these Fusion Centers.  There is absolutely no oversight and no guidelines!  In the near future we could see martial law declared in certain places or communities…could be widespread as well!

2. Operation De-Fuse is a movement of individuals that educate and get out information about these Fusion Centers.  The president of this movement, John Bush, visited the Ohio and Arizona Centers and was met by strict security.  He asked questions and received quite a few “no-comments” and was told that he would be added to the “watch-list” for his participation in his movement and listed as a threat if he organized and/or participated in a rally.  So, is the 1st Amendment already gone???

3. Concentration camps are being called residential centers and being built everywhere.  They are eerily similar to Nazi concentration camps.  Check out Ventura’s Police State episode…  People are already being held in these camps and violence is threatened if they attempt to escape.  Videos show adults and children behind these fences people!  They look like prisons due to the double fences with razor wire.  FEMA runs and operates them.  The ones I have looked into are located in Ohio, Arizona, and Texas.

4. Obama issued an executive order for a Council of Governors.  This council includes 9 state governors and one from Puerto Rico.  The Council of Governors is in place stating that in the state of an emergency, they will quarantine the country into 10 sectors/districts.  Each governor will be put in charge of a district.  I have seen this “district map” and it reminds me of the districts from the movie Hunger Games.  It is insane!  Each district houses several concentration camps.

5.  There is also a population control plan going on.  In Madison, Georgia, right off I20 and near a railroad, there are hundreds of thousands of huge plastic coffins.  Intentional pandemics may be put into effect to control the population.  Remember that Atlanta, Georgia is right down the road and that’s where the CDC is located.  These coffins look like they could each hold 5-8 bodies.

Well, there you have it.  I encourage you once again to look all this up for yourself.  A lot of this, I admit, is hard to believe.  But the overwhelming amount of evidence is there.

Edmund Kemper

Edmund Kemper/Edmund Emil Kemper III

Coed Killer

born December 18, 1948

in Burbank, California

Edmund Kemper is a well-known serial killer in America.  He is responsible for murdering several young college women.  He would pick them up while they were hitch hiking.  Although he picked up and dropped off well over 100 young women, he did kill 6.  As you will see, there were several warning signs that Kemper was a disturbed individual.  Perhaps the fact that he was charming, well spoken, highly intelligent, and very sociable added to his ability to elude any attention being drawn to him.

Kemper has two sisters and is the middle child.  He moved with his mother and two sisters to Montana when his parents divorced in 1957.  His mother was an alcoholic who constantly had cruel words for Edmund.  At 10 years old, he was forced, by his mother, to live in the basement.  His mother claimed he was no good and didn’t want him around her or her daughters.  During this secluded time, Edmund began having dark fantasies about killing his mother.  He would cut off the heads of his sister’s dolls.  He persuaded them to play a game he called “gas chamber.”  He made each of them blindfold him and lead him to a chair, where he would pretend to writhe in agony until he “died.”~~Now, I gotta add here…This “game” makes little sense to me!  I’m sure this information, found during research, is supposed to shed some sort of light on the outcome of his thoughts and actions.  But this game that he loved so much seems to be about electrocution.  Did he want to do bad things in order to get caught so he could be put “in the chair?”  Was his ultimate goal to be caught?

At the age of 13 he killed his cat with a knife he nicknamed The General.  He began causing all sorts of trouble and making his mother and sisters uncomfortable.  He was sent to live with his father but soon ended up right back at his mother’s house.  She soon decided he was too troubled so she sent him to live with his paternal grandparents in North Fork, California.  Problems soon began here too.  He hated living with his grandparents and they grew to fear him.  After killing several birds and various small animals, they took away his rifle.

At 15 years old he shot his grandmother in the kitchen.  He waited for his grandfather to get home and walked outside.  He met him at his car and shot him.  He then hid they body.  He claimed to have shot his grandmother just to see what it was like and shooting his grandfather was just so that he wouldn’t have to find out that his wife had been murdered.  He seemed to look at the first killing as curiosity and the second as sympathetic.  Hmmm…  Anyway, he called his mother after the murders and told her what he had done.  She instructed him to call the police and tell them what he had done.

He was sent to the California Youth Authority soon after.  He went through several tests there.  It was determined that he had a very high IQ and suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.  He was then sent to the Atascadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.  In 1969 he was released…at 21 years old.  By this time, his mother had moved to California after ending her third marriage.  Kemper began living under his mother’s roof even though she had abused him in the past.  People say the Court advised against it, but being released at 21 with nowhere to go, he felt he had no choice but to go to her.

He attended community college for a short time and then went to work for the California Highway Department in 1971.  He attempted to become a state trooper but was denied due to his brute size.  Kemper is 6 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 300 lbs.  He did, however, become friends with quite a few men on the police force.  They would frequently talk and have a few drinks at a local bar together.  His car even resembled a police cruiser.  Some speculate that he fancied police officer and some think that he just wanted to stay “in the loop” and learn police tactics.

Some time thereafter he received a $15,000 settlement after he was hit by a car while riding on his motorcycle.  He filed a civil suite against the driver because his arm was badly injured and caused him to be out of work.  Being bored, while out of work, added to his dark fantasies about women.  He began to notice several young women hitchhiking in the area.  He bought a new car with some of his settlement money and kept a gun, knife (The General), handcuffs and other tools in his trunk.

In the beginning, he would pick up various women and let them out at their desired destinations.  Kemper claims he did this for about 150 women.  As time went by though he became intrigued by how easy they got in his car and how his fantasies may have the possibility to become reality.  On May 7, 1972, he picked up Mary Ann Pesce and Anita Luchessa.  They were both Fresno State College students.  They never made it to their destination.  In fact, right after the murders he was stopped for a broken tail light.  If the officer had conducted a simple search he would have found the two bodies in the trunk.  Reported missing by their families, a search went underway.  Their fates were realized on August 15th after hikers found Pesce’s head in the woods.  Luchessa’s body was never found.  Kemper admitted later that one was stabbed to death and the other was stabbed and strangled.  He said he took the bodies back to his apartment and cut off their heads and hands.  He then engaged in sexual activity with their corpses.

Soon after these crimes, he picked up 15-year-old Aiko Koo.  He pulled out his gun and showed it to her.  She began to panic and plead for her life.  He pulled over and put the gun down.  He then got out of the car and locked himself out.  Aiko didn’t grab the gun, but instead unlocked the car to let him back in.  The only sense I can make of this is the tremendous fear she felt and her age.  I’m sure her thoughts were so chaotic at that point in time.  Once back in the car, he choked her, making her black out and then raped her.  When she came to he strangled her to death.  Stuffed in the trunk and his satisfaction met, he drove to the local bar and had a few drinks.  Later on he took her home and dismembered her.

In January of 1973 he picked up Cindy Schall and shot her.  He hid her body in his room at his mother’s house.  He cut her up the next day in the bathtub and dumped her body parts in the ocean.  Several parts washed up on shore later on.

To add to the craziness, Kemper’s mom got him a campus parking sticker so he could pick her up in the evenings.  He basically had a welcome sticker for his playground.  On February 5, 1973 he had a huge fight with his mother.  Using his parking sticker to get on campus, he picked up Rosalind Thorpe and Alice Lin.  He shot both and drove right past campus security at the gate with both women fatally wounded.  One was in the front seat slumped over and one in the backseat with blanket over her.  It is said that he told the campus guards that the two women were just drunk and that he was taking them home.  He decapitated both women and then dismembered them as well.  He disposed of their body parts in different locations.  Hikers, near Highway 1 in Mateo County, found some of their remains in March.

His last two murders took place in April of 1973.  He went to his mother’s house and, of course, they had just one more argument.  He waited until she went to sleep and hit her int he head with a hammer.  He then cut her throat with a knife and removed her head.  Kemper removed her larynx and stuffed it down the garbage disposal.  He placed her head on the mantle and said what he wanted to and then threw darts at it.  He said for the first time she didn’t argue with him.  He hid her body and went out to the bar with his police buddies.  He invited his mother’s friend, Sara Hallett, over to the house.  He killed and hid her body too.  He fled the area and drove to Colorado where he called the Santa Cruz police to confess his crimes.  They were in total shock, believing this to be a joke.  Once he began giving details and locations they knew he wasn’t joking.

He went to trial in October of 1973 claiming her had committed 10 murders in all.  Before the trial began he tried to kill himself twice by slitting his wrists.  Failing both times and being found sane, the trial began.  He was found guilty on all 8 murder charges.  The judge asked what he thought his punishment should be and Kemper replied that he should be tortured to death (hence the “chair game” from when he was little, maybe?!?).  The judge issued 8 concurrent life sentences for his crimes.

A few quotes…

“When someone put their hand on my car door handle, they were giving me their life.”~~Kemper explaining his thoughts of power

“My frustration.  My inability to communicate socially, sexually.  I wasn’t impotent.  I was scared to death of failing in male-female relaionships.”~~explaining some of his motive

during an interview~~Q-  What do you think when you see a pretty girl walking down the street?  A-  “One side of me says, ‘I’d like to talk to her, date her.  The other side of me says, ‘I wonder how her head would look on a stick.”

I have read articles and books pertaining to Kemper and his crimes.  I have watched interviews and listened to him talk about his life, the murders, his reasoning…And I have to say…The man is very intelligent.  He is so smart it’s scary.  He fantasizes, he ponders, he plans, he uses logic…the man is down-right frightening but also intriguing.  His thought process is that of a sane man, but his actions are anything but that.  Through watching his interviews, he talks about the severed heads and how he would hold them and talk to them.  I just don’t understand it.  How can a perfectly sane human being do something so insane?  Anyway, I’m glad he made that call and confessed.  I wonder if he would have been caught had he not killed his mom and then made that call?  He was very good at what he did and that kind of craziness makes me nervous.

Coincidence or Destiny???

Coincidence…I’m not a big believer in coincidences.  I think we all have our own paths and things like coincidence and deja vu are just little ways of letting us know we are on the right road or maybe our subconscious working overtime in the background.  Anyway, I’ve done a little reading and found some pretty interesting incidents from the past.  So, here we go!  Hope you enjoy!

1.  Joseph Figlock, of Detroit, was walking down the street one day in the mid 1930’s.  Everything seemed in order and it was a day just like any other…until one incident proved that “the right place at the right time” was more miraculous than he could ever imagine.  Within moments a baby fell from a high window onto Mr. Figlock.  He, of course, broke the infant’s fall and both were unharmed.  And if that isn’t shocking enough…exactly one year later, the same child fell from the same window onto Mr. Figlock once again.  Both were unharmed as before.

2.  In 1914 a German woman took a photograph of her beloved son.  She took the film to a store in Strasbourg to be developed.  I didn’t know this, but during this time period film plates were sold individually.  She could not get back to Strasbourg due to the fact that World War I had begun.  She soon gave up hope of getting the picture back and thought it would just be discarded.  A little over two years later she bought a film plate in Frankfurt to take a picture of her new daughter.  As I understand it, that is over 100 miles from Strasbourg.  The film turned out to be a double exposure.  The weird part…the double exposure was the picture of her son from two years earlier.  She had purchased the exact film plate that she dropped off two years before.  It had not been developed and resold to her over 100 miles away!

3.  In 1975, in Bermuda, a man riding a moped was hit by a taxi and killed.  Exactly one year later, his brother was killed also.  The seemingly impossible similarities were that both accidents happened on the same day one year apart, it was the same moped, the same taxi, the exact same spot on the road, the same taxi driver and the same passenger as well!  Riddle me that one!

4.  In 1858, Robert Fallon was shot dead during a poker game.  The man at the table claimed that he was $600 by cheating.  None of the men wanted to sit in the unlucky chair of a cheater and dead man.  They found a new player and conned him into sitting in the seat to continue the game.  By the time the police had arrive, the stranger had turned the “unlucky” $600 into a whopping $2,200!  The police demanded the $600 to give to the next of kin of the victim.  As it turns out, the stranger was the son of the dead man who had not seen his father for more than seven years!

5.  Edgar Allan Poe wrote a book called ‘The Narrative of  Arthur Gordon Pym’.  It was about four survivors of a shipwreck stuck at sea for several days.  In desperation they decided to eat the cabin boy, Richard Parker.  Many years later in 1884, the yawl, Mignonette, foundered, with only four survivors stuck at sea in an open boat for several days.  The three senior members decided to kill and eat their cabin boy.  His name was Richard Parker…

6.  In 19th century Austria, a near-famous painter named Joseph Aigner attempted  suicide on several occasions. During his first attempt to hang himself at the  age of 18, Aigner was interrupted by a mysterious Capuchin monk. And again at  age 22, he was prevented from hanging himself by the exact same monk. Eight years  later, he was sentenced to the gallows for his political activities.  I’m not sure what these political activities were. But again,  his life was saved by the intervention of the same monk. At age 68, Joseph  Aigner finally succeeded in suicide, using a pistol to shoot himself. Not  surprisingly, his funeral ceremony was conducted by the very same Capuchin monk – a man whose name Aiger never even knew.

7.  In 1883, Henry Ziegland broke off his engagement with his girlfriend.  Feeling lonely and unloved, she committed suicide.  Her brother vowed revenge.  He hunted down Ziegland and fired a shot.  Believing that he killed Ziegland and got his revenge, he then committed suicide.  Ziegland, however, did not die.  The bullet only grazed his face and was embedded in a tree.  Years later, Ziegland decided to cut down this very same tree, which still housed the bullet.  The tree was so large he used dynamite to get it down.  The explosion caused the bullet to propel into Ziegland’s head, killing him instantly.

Vlad the Impaler

Vlad Dracula


In 1438 Vlad’s father, Vlad Dracul, betrayed the Order of the Dracul and formed an alliance with the Turks.  He even allowed Sultan Murad II to keep his two sons, Vlad Dracula and his younger brother Radu, as a type of insurance that he would not go against the Turks.  Keep in mind, at the time,  Turks were taking over.  In the winter of 1447 Vlad Dracul was assassinated.  Vlad Dracula was granted his freedom by being offered a position in the Calvary.  After his father’s death, almost ten years held captive, he took the position and escaped Turkey by being very cunning.  Radu decided to stay behind, favoring the Turks.

On top of being held captive…his father was murdered, his brother choosing to stay behind, his older brother, Mircea, had his eyes gouged out and was buried alive.  Resentment and revenge had become a part of Vlad Dracula.  Dracula, still a teenager, realized the throne was occupied by the boyars (landowners).  Dracula took back the throne and began plans to “clean up” the mess.

His first term as Prince of Wallachia only lasted two months.  Hunyadi had regrouped and outnumbered Dracula’s forces.  He left the throne and stayed with the family of the Moldavian prince, Bogdan.  Bogdan was a member of Dracula’s mother’s family.  He stayed in Moldavia for three years until Prince Bogdan was killed.

Now, even though Hunyadi is his family’s enemy, he sought refuge with him.  Self-survival was his only reason for this.  Dracula was placed in charge of a fortress at Sibiu, in Transylvania.  While here, he heard Constantinople had fallen.  This hit Christians hard and marked the end of the Holy Roman Empire.  This city was constantly trying to keep the Pagans out.  Christians were now being impaled, churches were burned and crosses were used as firewood.

1456…Dracula, at 25 years old, regained the throne of Wallachia again by killing Vandislas.  He found out that Vandislas was the one who ordered the deaths of his family.  Therefore he wanted to kill him himself.  Legend has it that these two men met in a field, both wielding swords.  Dracula won by beheading him.  Vandislas’ men threw down their weapons and retreated.  This is when Dracula made the Dracula crest, a winged dragon embracing the Cross (symbol of Catholicism).  The crest went on everything…stamps, banners, coins, buildings, armor and his throne.  The “Son of the Dragon” had finally earned his name!

He then did away with the old ways of a ruler and decided to announce that he should be looked upon as a warrior prince, ruling his land as if under martial law.  He was the only decision maker!  He wanted complete order due to the fact that the Turks were still a major threat.  Now, at this time, the boyars had made their own laws, mandated prices, controlled merchandise, etc.  Vlad put an end to all this.  Anyone who disobeyed or retaliated would be punished severely.  Dracula had already killed those responsible for his father’s death and had gathered a group of strong allies.  Several of the boyars made complaints, verbally and in writing, about the new changes.  Dracula called everyone together for a huge dinner so they could vent their concerns and complaints.  After they all took turns he became suddenly enraged.  He told them that their ungratefulness would not be tolerated.  he ordered them to leave and to get out of his sight.  When they reached the courtyard, Dracula gave a nod to his guards.  The boyars were immediately speared and impaled outside the castle walls.

A short time later, on Easter Sunday, he ordered his soldiers to snatch up about 300 boyars and their families right out of the church pews.  They were forced to work on the castle by lifting heavy stones, digging a moat, etc. until their clothes fell off from wear and tear.  He then ordered them to work naked.

So sparked the “reign of terror”…1456-1462  Despite the bad reputation, a lot of his killings were against foreign and domestic enemies.  The severity of the killings struck fear in everyone.  He would impale his enemies, hang them, stretch them on the rack, burn them at the stake and boil them alive.  A total of 100,000 victims suffered at his hands.  According to many sources, Dracula would attach a horse to the victim’s legs and a stake was forced into their side.  The stake was usually oiled and not very sharp.  He didn’t want them dying to fast from shock.

Examples of his barbarism…

1.  St. Bartholomew’s Day-  He ordered 20,000 citizens arrested and impaled on the edge of the forest.  Men, women and children were to die slowly in his presence.  He even had a table set up so he could eat dinner while watching them die slowly.  One of his knights was holding his nose trying not to throw up due to the smell.  Dracula had him impaled high above the others so he “wouldn’t have to smell his company”.

2.  The Paupers Dinner-  Dracula extended his sympathy to the paupers.  He invited them to a delicious meal and after dessert was served his staff slowly exited.  His archers shot flaming arrows to ignite the treated curtains and linens.  They banged against the bolted doors while they burned to death.  Dracula’s remark…”The poor unloved creatures, it is best they leave this world now, on a full stomach.”

3.  Crime-free city-  A merchant, traveling through, had his money-box broken into.  When Dracula heard of this he demanded the merchant be brought to him.  He explained to the merchant that he runs a crime-free city and promised the thief would be caught.  He urged the merchant to leave his cart outside his hotel unlocked over night.  He promised the money would be replaced.  Sure enough, morning came and all the money was replaced plus one extra florin.  The merchant went to tell Vlad how thankful he was and offered to give back the extra florin.  Dracula smiled and told him to keep it.  He said he was a good man and had he not admitted the surplus he would join the impaled thief on his patio!

I wanna add that Dracula’s capital, Tirgoviste, was actually a very honest city with virtually zero crime!  And to prove this, he placed a golden cup on display in the village square.  The cup was NEVER stolen and untouched throughout his reign!

4.  The “lazy” wife-  To Dracula, women were only made for bedroom pleasure and the menial work that men shouldn’t have to do.  One day, he spotted a planter wearing an apron that was too short.  When asked why, the planter explained that his wife had become ill and was confided to bed.  Vlad, very furious at this, ordered her out of bed and impaled outside her home.  He said a woman’s duty to her husband came before her own health.

5.  Turbans?-  Emissaries were sent to Dracula to remind him that he was three years behind paying his annual tribute of 10,000 gold ducats to the Pope.  Dracula interrupted the men to remind them that they had not “paid him” due respect of removing their turbans before him and his court.  They calmly replied that it was their religious custom not to remove them in public.  With a snap of his fingers, Dracula had their hats nailed to their skulls.  This resulted in a battle.  The Sultan received the bodies of the emissaries and decided to ambush Dracula when he agreed to a meeting.  Dracula was no fool.  His rifles shot them to pieces!  Out-manned, he decided to make the road to Tirgoviste rough.  He put trees on the paths, burned bridges, poisoned wells and burned villages that might serve as shelter for them.

Dracula then decided to go one step farther.  To inflict tons of terror, he took 20,000 captives and impaled them up their backsides all around the walls.  When the Turks arrived they were shocked!  They stopped, stared, cried and vomited.  They fled screaming that they couldn’t defeat the Devil!

Radu, his brother, was the only one who didn’t want to retreat.  Radu made friends with some of the boyars who wanted Dracula gone.  He promised them no harm would come to them, their original power would be regained and that Dracula would be gone.  Vlad’s mistake…he never imagines his brother would “bare-face betray” him.  The boyars, with some Turks, attacked the Palace.  Radu sent warning that all within the walls would be impaled if he didn’t surrender.  Dracula’s wife, very scared, committed suicide by jumping off the North Tower wall.  Dracula retreated to the banks of the Arges, barely avoiding the Turks.  He found shelter in an abandoned castle near Dobrins.  He then headed to Brasov.  The King, instead of welcoming him, arrested him.  He would remain in custody for about ten years.  Radu, upon Dracula’s arrest, took over the throne in Wallachia.

The King arranged  a marriage between Vlad and Ilona Szilagy.  She gave him two sons, one named Vlad.  Back in Wallachia, Radu was a major disappointment.  He was more for the Turks than his deal with the boyars.

July 1475-  After 13 or so years, as a political prisoner, Matthias pardoned Dracula.  He stormed his way, with an army, to Wallachia.  Talk about patience and dedication!!!  Radu lost the throne due to his death.  As many believe…Radu was not killed.  He died from syphilis.  With 5,000 crusaders, Dracula began his way back to control.  By November 1476 he was on the throne again, for the third time.  Sadly, he would be dead within a month.

The boyars were still angry, remembering the murders of their loved ones.  The Sultan still gunned for Dracula as well.  With only 2,000 men, Dracula didn’t have an army anymore.  Dracula was to help invade Bucharest, yet no reinforcements came to his aid as promised.  No actual record shows how he died, but his mutilated body was found and identified.  The way his body was identified was the medallions and the princely vestments her wore.  Not much proof if ya ask me!  He was then decapitated and then his head was nowhere to be found.  It is said that his head was brought to Constantinople by the Turks and displayed above the city gates.

By the mid 1700’s the last of the Draculas was living in Transylvania.  Corvinus ruled until 1490 and Stefan Bathory ruled for some time.  Bathory’s great-niece, Elizabeth, is the one and only “Countess Dracula”!

No one is sure where Dracula is buried…

Now, I know the reputation of Vlad Dracula is one of brutality and tyranny.  Romanians, however, still stand firm on the fact that he was the best ruler in history.  I know his methods seem harsh and inhumane, but you gotta admit that creating a crime-free domain is somewhat astonishing.  He used his title and power to make his people fear breaking the law.  Take a look at today’s time.  Thieves receive a slap on the wrist, rapists barely serve any time at all, murderers are let loose sometimes less than seven years into their original sentence.  Under Vlad, none of these crimes would’ve been tolerated at all.  I admit, that he looked at weakness, handicapped individuals and women in a bad light…but crime didn’t pay in his palace!

Bonnie and Clyde

Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are perhaps the most famous criminal couple in history.  They robbed and hijacked their way to fame…and their death.

Hmmm…where to start with this couple?!?  Both Bonnie and Clyde dealt with some negative sides of life before they met.  Clyde had already been in trouble with the law for burglary and Bonnie had been married to a man who was serving time for murder.  The two met in Texas in January of 1930 I believe.  The first time Clyde came to see Bonnie he was arrested for burglary and car theft.  Bonnie smuggled a gun into the jail for him.  He escaped but was captured within a few days and handed a sentence of 14 years.  It was here, at Huntsville Prison in Texas, that he committed his first murder.  The man he murdered had supposedly sexually assaulted him.  He was transferred to Eastham Prison Farm where prisoners were worked extremely hard and beaten.  He persuaded a fellow inmate to cut off two of his toes with an axe in hopes of getting out of doing any hard labor.  This desperate attempt to get outta hard work and be transferred is the reason he walked with a limp for the remainder of his life.

After a short time, Bonnie and Clyde ran off together following his parole in February of 1932 and began their crime spree all across Texas.  The robberies they committed were never very large, but they left a ton of rubble along the way.  Within a year the couple’s life of crime was well-known.  It was at this time they joined up with Clyde’s brother Buck and sister-in-law Blanche.  They killed two police officers shooting their way out of an apartment soon after.  Bonnie was badly burned on her leg after a car accident and the group had to take shelter with a farmer.  The farmer called the police after figuring out who they were.  The gang, once again, had to shoot their way out of the situation.

Running out of places to hide, the group really started to feel the tension and stress of life on the run.  Rumor has it that Blanche began heated arguments amongst the group and Bonnie longed for a more civilized life with no more running from the law.  The group was resting at a camp in Iowa when they found themselves once again in a pickle.  They were heavily surrounded and a fire fight broke out.  Buck was killed and Blanche, blinded in her left eye by shards of glass, was taken into custody.

On May 23, 1934 Bonnie and Clyde were driving down Highway 154 in Louisiana.  Little did they know that a posse was waiting to ambush them.  Clyde slowed his car down to stop and help a broken down motorist, Mr. Methvin (a supposable friend of Bonnie and Clyde).  Mr. Methvin had contacted law enforcement and worked out a plan to murder the duo.  More than 130 bullets rang out striking Bonnie and Clyde.

At the time of their death they were accused of 13 murders and several robberies.  They had a habit of kidnapping law enforcement officers and driving them around for hours only to release them hundreds of miles away unharmed.  A few of the crimes were the murder of two police officers in Joplin, Missouri…kidnapping a man and woman in Louisiana…murder of a man in Hillsboro, Texas…murder of a sheriff in Stringtown, Oklahoma…kidnapping a deputy in New Mexico…and several more.

Bonnie and Clyde lived out of their car and never got much money in the robberies.  Bonnie wrote poetry that captured the hearts of many!  In my opinion, these two were sort of destined to be together.  I know that sounds bad but, looking at the history of these two, they were two bad seeds that went together well.  Clyde seemed to always be in trouble with the law and Bonnie always went for the bad boy.  Their two-year crime spree was bloody and messy but it was also a romantic story of two people who just happen to be going down the wrong road.