Fred Phelps kicked the bucket!

Fred Phelps


aka: The Most Hated (and laughed at) Man In America


This is what a lifetime of anger and hate will do to a man!


Phelps was born on November 13, 1929 and finally bit the big one on March 19, 2014 at the age of 84.  He was the pastor, although rumors circulate he no longer was, of the Westboro Baptist Church.  The church opened its doors on November 27, 1955 and uses the website as its internet outlet of stupidity.  In 2007 a documentary came out called Fall From Grace that tells all about Phelps and his family of idiots.  He was married to Margie Marie Simms, an absolute horrendous woman.  Together they had 13 children, 54 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.  4 of the 13 kids have left the church and family.


Phelps was best known for his damn ignorance and anger.  Some prime examples include  his anti-gay activism and picketing the funerals of gays and soldiers.  This “hate group” he lead is known as the Westboro Baptist Church.  Their slogan is “God hates fags.” and they stand and stomp on the American flag.  They have picketed military and gay funerals, gay pride gatherings and parades, political gatherings, Christian concerts of those who didn’t agree with his views and opinions and a few other things that make people wanna beat his ass.

His home and family life tends to have a haze around it.  Mixed accounts of how he was as a father, husband and pastor have surfaced in the past.  As far as I know, two of the four children that left have spoken out about him.  I believe their names are Nate and Dortha.  They have each talked about the loveless environment they had growing up, being scared all the time and dealing with Phelps’ anger and abuse.  It is said that Phelps used a barber strap on his children and would deliver 7-10 lashes to different parts of their bodies.  He would also hit them with a mattock handle.  The other members of the family praise him, claiming he was some sort of bringer of salvation.


Aside from hating soldiers and gays, Phelps believed that God only died for a few pre-selected people.  These people, he says, were chosen before their birth for salvation.  He also believed Sunday school meeting are wrong, bible colleges should be closed and Billy Graham is the worst false prophet.  This man cracks me up!  His train of thought is so crazy all I can do is shake my head.

The anti-gay bashing began in the late 1980’s.  Phelps claimed that a gay man tried to lure a 5-year-old boy, his grandson, into the woods.  Phelps and his family started complaining about gays allowed in Gage Park.  When there was no action from the local government and the family began getting negativity aimed at them, he and his pack of idiots began picketing all the time.  They put up signs in the park and warned others of homosexual activity.

And this is how he and his family are raising their children!

And this is how he and his family are raising their children!

In 1997 Phelps wrote a letter to Saddam Hussein.  Phelps praised and congratulated Hussein for being “the only Muslim state that allows the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to be freely and openly preached on the streets.”  He wanted to send a group of his turds to Baghdad for a week to preach.  Saddam granted permission…imagine that!  The group bashed the United States for that whole week and picketed with signs condemning the Clinton family and anal sex.

Due to being assholes and picketing the funerals of America’s fallen heroes, President George W. Bush signed the Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act in 2006.  The act stops protests within 300 feet of national cemeteries from an hour before a funeral to an hour after it.  Anyone not abiding by this could get a year in prison and up to a $100,000.00 fine.


This group has been called “the most hated family in America.”  Hell, the KKK protested against them at military funerals.  This group has targeted several people for shitty reasons…one of the people was Fred Rogers.  Phelps picketed his funeral saying that Rogers never warned young viewers that sodomy is a sin.

I personally think Phelps was a piece of shit.  Without going into the subject of religion, (which will have me going for hours!) he taught nothing but hate and anger.  His entire family wake up each and every day mad as hell.  They all stay pissed off at everyone and every thing.  They pray for the deaths of so many people.  I hate that the other citizens of Topeka, Kansas have to put up with this group of dumbasses.  I’m glad to see people standing up to this family and I have loved reading stories of bikers standing in line to block these idiots at funerals.




This shit cracked me up!

This shit cracked me up!

Bottom line:  I could care less about Phelps and his family.  They are shit.


Some people…

Some people…


You know these people.  They are the ones that make you consider an orange jumpsuit!  They are so damn dumb and/or aggravating that a throat punch is all you can think about giving them.  Here are a few personal experiences I’ve had with these special individuals…

Mr. Ass

There is a teacher at my daughter’s school that drives all the parents crazy.  He has got to be the meanest, pickiest, most aggravating man I’ve met in a very long time.  In the afternoons he stands outside the school…no one knows why.  He just kinda stands around like a hall monitor staring at us.  Two weeks ago, a mom was there picking up her son in a rush.  She was extremely ill and headed to the hospital.  She parked her truck out-of-the-way, away from all cars and traffic, so she could grab her son and leave as quick as possible.  We all let her get up front to get him…he was standing just inside the door looking at her.  Mr. Ass begins yelling at her that she has to move her truck.  He is telling her that she can’t park there, she needs to move it, he doesn’t like it there, etc.  She tried so hard to tell him that she is sick and headed to the hospital.  She explains that her son is two feet from her and she just needs to get him and go.  This douche bag refuses to act like a human being.  He continues to yell at her, in front of everyone, and makes her move her truck before getting her kid.  What an ass!!!

Last week I had to go into the school with my daughter one morning.  We exit the car and get to the front door of the school about 20 seconds before the bell.  As I go to open the door, Mr. Ass comes rushing towards the door, looking at his watch, telling me we can’t come in for another two minutes.  I immediately laugh at him and the bell rings within 5 seconds.  I open the door and tell him to get a new watch as I walk by shaking my head.

Those two occasions are bad enough, but dealing with this man every morning is just a riot!  The school lot is so tiny.  Cars come through in a single file line, cause that’s all the space there is anyway.  We can ONLY GO ONE WAY.  But every morning, on the curb at the front of the school, there stands this man!  UGH!!!  He waves the cars on with one hand and points with the other.  He movements are just like a crossing guard, which makes it funnier!  Sometimes he says, “This way folks!”  THERE’S NO OTHER WAY TO GO, DUMMY!!!  I just smile and wave…I try not to point as I smile!  I mean, damn!  The parents aren’t stupid.  We drive all the time.  There is only one way to go and we are all in a friggin’ single file line.  Waving and pointing just makes him looks like a re-re and a bigger ass.


Ms. Dummy Bank Teller

This woman tripped me out a couple of weeks ago.  Now, I don’t know all the policies and such but, surely this was a bit too much.  My husband and I received a check from our bank.  Let me make sure I was clear on that….WE RECEIVED A CHECK FROM OUR BANK.  The check even had the words on it that we are a customer of the damn bank.  My husband and I pull up and he puts the check, signed with the acct number and all, and his I.D. inside the thingy that zooms up the cool little tunnel thing.  The woman, aka Ms. Dummy, asks him if his wife is with him.  He says yes and now she wants my I.D. too.  This is kinda dumb to me since the main acct holder is my husband, but whatever.  We are waiting and waiting.  Oh hell!  I forgot to mention the amount of the stupid check!  Get ready for this….drum roll please!  $7.28 That’s right people…a whopping 7 bucks and some pocket change.  Hell, we were only cashing it to  add to our daughter’s chore chart at home!  Anyway, after we send my shit up the tunnel thingy, we wait a little longer.  By now I’m wondering if she knows how to count.  It’s usually just a $5, two $1’s, a quarter and three pennies.  But what do I know?!?  Finally I lean forward and peer at the window so I can try to see what the hell she is doing.  She looks up and asks if we have an account with the bank.  Are you freakin’ serious???  The damn check says we do, account number is on the back and you are holding our I.D.’s!  I begin giggling, which usually means I’m about to lose my shit!  My husband cracks a grin, giggles and says that we do.  I’m bitching out loud now and he is telling me to hush…doesn’t help that he is still giggling!  She sends our stuff back through the tube.  My husband hands everything to me and begins to pull off.  I’m still in shock that it took forever for that.  It’s a wonder she didn’t ask for a friggin’ blood sample!  I just stare at her as he leaves trying to imagine how she managed to dress herself and get to work that day.  Damn!


Rude Maternity Store Lady

This was definitely one of those times I almost throat punched someone!  I am pregnant and carrying very low.  All that pressure makes my back hurt and it kinda feels like I’ve accidentally done a split everyday.  It sucks!  With that said, my husband and I go to the maternity store to see if they have those belly band thingys.  We walk in and are immediately approached by this woman asking if she can help with anything.  I tell her what I’m looking for and she corrects the term I use.  I can’t remember now if it’s a belly belt or band…but I guess I said it wrong.  She corrects me with a little bit of bitchiness and a lip pucker that makes you wanna head butt the hell outta someone.  I take a deep breath and try to tell myself that she didn’t mean to sound that way.  She takes one off of the rack and out of the box.  She then proceeds to tell me that she yells at people when she’s putting these things on ’em.  My response….I look at my husband and say, “She yells at people.” with that “I don’t f*%!ing think so” look.  He, of course, giggles.  I think sometimes that’s all he can do with me…just giggle.  She refrained from yelling but was yanking on these straps and making me hold my arms out to the side.  When she gets it on, I instantly feels better.  I undo it and ask my husband if he remembered where all the straps go.  I wasn’t entirely sure since it was below the baby bump.  She interrupts and in the meanest tone says, “Well, I’m gonna make you put on yourself before you leave.  You are gonna do this by yourself.  (insert lip pucker thing)”  I smile as politely as possible and tell her that I’m not putting it on right now but I would like to go ahead and purchase it.  She gets all bent out of shape and goes behind the counter.  As she is ringing me up she asked about a maternity bra.  I tell her “no thank you” and that I am wearing a comfortable sports bra right now and that I will be purchasing a maternity bra soon.  She gets pissed off and goes on a mini rant about how I need to buy a maternity bra, my sports bra is no good, blah blah blah…  I calmly explain that I am not purchasing a bra today and that I just want to purchase the band thing.  She continues to rant so I had to raise my voice just a little and ask her to ring me up for JUST the band.  She continues with the lip pucker and I am fuming now.  I think I was holding my breath trying not to go across the counter.  The rudeness was too much.  She is obviously a very miserable lady who loves to make others miserable and if I didn’t need that damn band I would’ve shown my ass, embarrassed her really bad and walked out without purchasing it.  The good/bad new is…I have to go back.  Haha!  The belt hurts me when I sit down so I have to go back for a bigger size.  This should be fun!